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  Dalim Kumar Paul

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Name Dr DK Paul
(Dr Dalim Kumar Paul)
FNA ID N93-1130
Address BF217, Salt Lake,
City Kolkata
Pin Code 700064
Country India
Gender Male
Specialization Geochemistry, Isotope Geology, Petrology
Service in the Council
Qualification PhD (Leeds), DSc (Cal)
Membership FTWAS
  Award INSA Senior Scientist,2005-19/07/2024
  Year of Election 1993  
E-mail dalimpaul@yahoo.co.in
Personal Website

Dalim Kumar Paul did his BSc and MTech degrees from IIT Kharagpur. On being awarded a Commonwealth Scholarship, he carried out research at University of Leeds under the supervision of PG Harris and obtained his PhD (1970). Subsequently, he obtained the DSc from Calcutta University for his work on understanding the Upper Mantle composition of the Earth, and was trained in the evolving area of isotope geochemistry. He carried out postdoctoral research (1972-76) at the University of Leeds and at McMaster University. Subsequently, he worked with John de Laeter at Curtin University on the geochronology of early Precambrian rocks of Central and Eastern India. He worked as Geologist in the Geological Survey of India and as Director, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad (1995-2000). Subsequently, he joined Presidency College as CSIR Emeritus Scientist and currently is INSA Senior Scientist (2006- ).

Academic and Research Achievements: Paul worked extensively on the development of applied geochemical techniques suitable for Indian climatological conditions and helped establishing a state of art geochronology laboratory. He applied the techniques in working out chronology of events in the Indian Precambrian crust and studied the mineralogy and geochemistry of the diamond-bearing kimberlitic rocks of South India and the lamprophyres of the coalfields of Eastern India. He established the Precambrian age of these rocks, which are distinct from the kimberlites from elsewhere. Based on isotopic abundances, he suggested disequilibrium melting as an important process of magma genesis in the mantle. He also authored over 100 research articles, edited many professional books, and was on the editorial board of several Indian journals.

Other Contributions: As Director of Indian School of Mines, Dr Paul transformed the institution into a major centre of research in mineral and mining engineering by broadening its subject base.

Awards and Honours: Dr Paul was a recipient of the National Mineral Award of the Government of India. He received Professor KP Rode Memorial Lecture Award of Indian Science Congress (2008). He was also elected Fellow of the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS).

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