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  Satya Priya Moulik

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Name Professor SP Moulik
(Professor Satya Priya Moulik)
FNA ID N98-1234
Address INSA Hon. Scientist, Centre for Surface Science, Department of Chemistry, Jadavpur University
City Kolkata
Pin Code 700032
Country India
Gender Male
Specialization Surface and Biophysical Chemistry
Service in the Council
Qualification DSc, PhD
Membership Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Indian Society for Surface Science & Technology, Indian Chemical Society, West Bengal Academy of Science & Technology
  Award Professor S Swaminathan 60th Birthday Commemoration Lecture, 2004
Honorary Scientist,2006-19/07/2024
  Year of Election 1998  
E-mail spmcss@yahoo.com
Personal Website

Satya Priya Moulik earned his BSc (Hons) and MSc in Chemistry from Calcutta University, and joined the University College of Science (Kolkata) to work with BN Ghosh on 'disperse systems' in the Department of Chemistry, and obtained his PhD degree (1962). He received the DSc degree (1976) of Calcutta University on 'flow behaviours with reference to electrofiltration and conductance'. His post-doctoral research (1965-68) was on "cloud seeding" and "forced-flow electrophoresis" at the University of Arizona, USA with ML Corrin and M Bier, respectively, and membrane transport with N Lakshminarainaiah at the University of Pennsylvania. On returning to India, Dr Moulik was a Pool Officer at the Department of Chemistry, Jadavpur University, Kolkata (1969). Subsequently, he joined the Chemistry Department of the same University as Lecturer and later became a Professor. He was a Visiting Research Associate (1979-80) at the Georgia State University, USA and visited St Francis Xavier University, Canada (1999) as James Chair Professor. He continued in the Department of Chemistry, Jadavpur University till his retirement (2001). He became an INSA Senior Scientist and a UGC Emeritus Fellow for the periods 2001-2002, and 2002-2003, respectively. He then switched over to the INSA Senior Scientist (2003-05), and is presently INSA Honorary Scientist (since 2005) at the same University.

Academic and Research Achievements: Moulik worked on inorganic chelate complexes, and ion conductance in disperse media. He switched over to the Food Technology and Biochemical Engineering in the USDA project and worked on 'carbohydrate chemistry' till 1973. He taught physical chemistry (thermodynamics, kinetics, electrochemistry, surface and colloid chemistry, etc.) in different Universities. He worked on cloud seeding, theory of electrofiltration, thermodynamics of ionization of substituted pyridines, membrane transport and blood coagulation in different Universities abroad. At Jadavpur University, Dr Moulik extensively worked on the physical chemical aspects of self-organizing systems such as micelles, reverse micelles, microemulsions, polymer (biopolymer) interaction with surfactants and lipids, oscillatory reactions, nanomaterials, etc. He has published 320 original research papers, 12 review articles, and written 4 book chapters. He has mentored 45 PhD students.

Other Contributions: Professor Moulik took a leading role in establishing the Centre for Surface Science at Jadavpur University and became the first Co-ordinator of the centre. He was the Founder Secretary of the Indian Society for Surface Science and Technology(ISSST) and became its President. At present, he is an advisor of the Society. He was Editor of Journal of Surface Science and Technology and currently is its Editorial Adviser. He is a member of the Advisory Board of the Journal of Physical Chemistry of  the American Chemical Society. He is also on the Board of Members of the Centre for Surface Science (Jadavpur University), and the Asian Society for Colloid and Surface Science (Japan). He has given leadership to organize a number of national and international seminars and conferences.

Awards and Honours: Moulik is a recipient of an Emeritus Professorship of Jadavpur University(2007),  Professor Swaminathan 60th Birthday Commemoration Lecture Award of INSA (2004), Acharya JN Mukherjee Memorial Endowment Award of the Indian Chemical Society (2005), and BN Ghosh Memorial Award of the Indian Society for Surface Science and Technology (2011).

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