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  Dhiraj Mohan Banerjee

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Name Professor DM Banerjee
(Professor Dhiraj Mohan Banerjee)
FNA ID P00-1269
Address 25, Uttaranchal Apartments, Plot 5, IP Extension, Patparganj,
City Delhi
Pin Code 110092
Country India
Gender Male
Specialization Precambrian Sedimentology, Sedimentary Geochemistry
Service in the Council
Qualification PhD
  Award INSA Senior Scientist,2007-19/07/2024
  Year of Election 2000  
E-mail dhirajmohanbanerjee@gmail.com
Personal Website

Dhiraj Mohan Banerjee completed his PhD in Geology from Lucknow University in 1967. He joined the Geological Survey in December 1967, where he initiated significant research activity on ancient phosphate deposits of Rajasthan. Banerjee joined University of Delhi as Lecturer in 1967 from where he retired as Professor in 2008. Since then he holds the position of INSA Senior Scientist.

Academic and Research Achievements: Banerjee established research collaborations with several international establishments and reputed geoscientists in leading laboratories of the world. These studies helped Banerjee to organize an International UNESCO-IUGS based IGCP Project on Phosphorites. His subsequent interaction with the scientists at the Max Planck Institute fur Chemie in Mainz, Germany, prompted him to study the geochemistry and isotope geology of the Precambrian and Lower Cambrian rocks. He carried out pioneering work on stromatolites, microbiota, organic geochemistry, trace elements and isotope geochemistry of Precambrian sedimentary rocks. His recent involvement in the study of sedimentation, geochemistry and hydrogeology of arsenic polluted Quaternary basins of the Bengal Delta Plains has resulted in many widely cited publications. His current research interest is in the Precambrian evaporates, Proterozoic-Cambrian boundary events, phosphogenesis and provenance studies.

Other Contributions: DM Banerjee co-founded and monitored two major international geological programs, IGCP-156 and IGCP-386. He is actively involved in AIDS mitigation projects, human rights, higher education and value issues, using the World University Service, an international NGO, as the platform.

Awards and Honours: Banerjee received the National Mineral Award (2000) of Ministry of Mines, Government of India.

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