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  Ganapathy Marimuthu

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Name Dr G Marimuthu
(Dr Ganapathy Marimuthu)
FNA ID P05-1393
Address INSA Honorary Scientist, Deptt. of Animal Behaviour & Physiology, School of Biological Sciences, Madurai Kamaraj University
City Madurai
Pin Code 625021
Country India
Gender Male
Specialization Animal Behaviour and Chronobiology
Service in the Council Member, 2010-2012
Qualification PhD, DSc
Membership FASc, FNASc
  Award Chandrakala Hora Memorial medal, 2010
  Year of Election 2005  
E-mail emailboxgm@gmail.com
Personal Website

G Marimuthu earned his BSc, MSc, PhD and DSc degrees from the Madurai Kamaraj University (MKU). He did his PhD on social chronobiology and behaviour of bats under the supervision of Professor MK Chandrashekaran. He availed the DAAD short-term Fellowship to study the role of echolocation sounds in prey capture and their ontogeny in bats, at the Universities of Frankfurt and Munich, Germany. Marimuthu was appointed as a Lecturer in MKU (1987).

Academic and Research Achievements: Marimuthu taught animal taxonomy, ethology and developmental biology at post-graduate level. At MKU, he worked on the strategies of prey detection and capture by the Indian false vampire bat. He demonstrated that the Indian false vampire bat employs both passive and active methods to detect prey (e.g. frogs) on land and at water surface, with or without the combination of passive listening, echolocation and vision. He described the transfer of solid food (pieces of frogs) by the mothers to their freshly weaned young solicitors. His recent study includes ontogeny of prey capture. Marimuthu extended the study on foraging visits of fruit bats on commercial fruits at orchards (mango, grapes, guava and sapota) and on non-commercial fruits (figs and Singapore cherry) and recommends to grow Singapore cherry in the midst of orchards to reduce bat-visits to commercial fruits, because the Singapore cherry is most preferred by bats. In addition to fruits, the bats visit flowers of banana and kapok (silk cotton) and feed upon nectar. On such visits the bats pollinate flowers. Marimuthu has guided twenty PhD students.

Other Contributions: Marimuthu organized the 9th International Bat Research Conference (1992). He conducts Refresher Courses for college teachers and is a resource person for such courses. He organizes Science Academies\\\' Lecture Workshops  and a Resource Person for the DST-INSPIRE programme for the School students.

Awards and Honours: Marimuthu is a recipient of the Tamil Nadu Scientist Award. He is a Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore and the National Academy of Sciences (India), Allahabad, and received Senior Spallanzani Award from North American Bat Research Society.

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