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  Saurabh Dilsukhray Rindani

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Name Dr SD Rindani
(Dr Saurabh Dilsukhray Rindani)
FNA ID P08-1467
Address Senior Professor, Theoretical Physics Division, Physical Research Laboratory, Navrangpura
City Ahmedabad
Pin Code 380009
Country India
Gender Male
Specialization Particle Physics
Service in the Council
Qualification PhD
  Year of Election 2008  
Personal Website http://www.prl.res.in/~saurabh

Saurabh Dilsukhray Rindani did his BSc from University of Bombay and MSc from IIT Bombay. He was awarded Silver Medal by the IIT for getting First Rank in MSc. He obtained PhD (Particle Physics) (1976) also from IIT Bombay. Thereafter, he went to the Imperial College, London, for postdoctoral work availing a Commonwealth Scholarship and then worked as Research Associate for one year in IIT Kanpur. In 1978, he joined the Department of Theoretical Physics, University of Madras as Lecturer and then moved to the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai as Reader in 1985. He has been working at the Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad since 1989 where he is currently Senior Professor (H Grade) in the Theoretical Physics Division. He visited the University of Valencia in Spain for a year under a sabbatical fellowship of the Government of Spain. He was Visiting Professor at Tohoku University under the 21st Century Centre of Excellence Programme. He was Adjunct Professor at TIFR Mumbai during 2009-2012.

Academic and Research Achievements: Rindani has worked in various aspects of theoretical high energy physics, including electroweak interactions, strong interactions, neutrino physics and string theory. He has authored over 100 research articles.

Other Contributions: To promote and popularize science, Professor Rindani has delivered series of lectures at several schools on different topics in theoretical high energy physics.

Awards and Honours: Rindani has been Associate and Senior Associate of the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy. He is a Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Bengaluru, the National Academy of Science, Allahabad and the Gujarat Science Academy. He is a recipient of the J.C. Bose National Fellowship of the DST, Government of India since 2010.

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