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  Ashok Kumar Giri

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Name Dr AK Giri
(Dr Ashok Kumar Giri)
FNA ID P13-1609
Address Emeritus Scientist of CSIR, Molecular and Human Genetics Division, CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, 4 Raja SC Mullick Road, Jadavpur
City Kolkata
Pin Code 700032
Country India
Gender Male
Specialization Genetic Toxicology, Environmental Mutagenesis and Human Genetics and Genomics
Service in the Council
Qualification PhD, DSc., FNASc., FNA
Membership Member, Program Committee, 11th International Conference on Environmental Mutagens; Member, Executive Committee, Asian Association of Environmental Mutagen Societies (AAEMS); Life Member, ISCA, EMSI, ISHG
  Award INSA Medal for Young Scientists, 1984
  Year of Election 2013  
E-mail akgiri15@yahoo.com, akgiri@iicb.res.in
Personal Website http://www.j-ems.org/aaems/aaems_index.html

Dr. Ashok K. Giri at present working as an Emeritus Scientist at the Molecular and Human Genetics Division, CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkata. He received his Ph.D. and D. Sc. Degree from the University of Calcutta. He has received the prestigious Young Scientist Award from the both by the ISCA and INSA, New Delhi for the year 1982 and 1984 respectively. Following Postdoctoral training at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA during 1987-1989 he joined as a Scientist at the Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow in 1989 and after that he moved to the CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkata in 1996.  He also worked as a Visiting Scientist at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, Texas during the year 1992 to 1994 on deputation. He is a Member of the Editorial Board of the prestigious International Journal “Mutation Research” since 2009.  He is a Fellow of the West Bengal Academy Science and Technology since 2005. Very recently Dr. Giri has been elected as a President of the Asisn Association for the Environmental Mutagen Societies (AAEMS) for the year 2014-2016. He has been elected as a Fellow of the National Acsdemy of Sciences, India for the year 2015. His area of research activities are the Genetic Toxicology, Molecular epidemiology and environmental health, Gene expression and Proteomic studies etc. At present he has about 105 peer reviewed publications in different International Journals.

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