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  Dorairaj Prabhakaran Prabhakaran

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Name Dr Dorairaj Prabhakaran
(Dr Dorairaj Prabhakaran Prabhakaran)
FNA ID P22-1924
Address Vice President (Research and Policy) and Director, Centre for Control of Chronic Conditions, Public Health Foundation of India, Plot No. 47, Sector 44, Near Huda City Metro Station
City Gurgaon
Pin Code 122002
Country India
Gender Male
Specialization Cardiology, Epidemiology and Public Health
Service in the Council
Qualification DM
Membership FNASc
  Year of Election 2022  
E-mail dprabhakaran@phfi.org, dprabhakaran@ccdcindia.org
Personal Website

\r\nSummary\r\n\r\nProfessor Dorairaj Prabhakaran, educated at Bangalore Medical College (MBBS), the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (MD: Internal Medicine and DM: Cardiology) and McMaster University Canada MSc: Health Research Methodology), is an eminent cardiologist, epidemiologist and academician of global repute. He moved beyond the conventional world of clinical cardiology to advance science in the prevention of heart diseases and diabetes in India so that his work could benefit millions of people in this country. He is currently Vice President (Research & Policy) at the Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI). At PHFI, he was instrumental in establishing two centres of excellence at PHFI (the Centre for Chronic Conditions and Injuries and the Centre for Digital Health) and helped build the Centre for Environmental Health. Before joining PHFI, he built the Centre for Chronic Disease Control, which is now considered the leading research agency for chronic diseases in India and developing countries. It is recognised as a WHO collaborating centre for the Southeast Asia region. He holds professorships at PHFI, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and Emory University, Atlanta, USA. In addition, he is a Visiting Scientist at the Harvard School of Public Health and an International Fellow at the Population Research Institute, McMaster University. \r\n\r\nContrinutions to Science: \r\n\r\nFollowing a very active career involving patient care and teaching at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi, he established large population based research projects which have provided major insights in diverse domains, ranging from epidemiology, biomarkers, role of air pollution in multiple chronic disaeses, the role of nutrition, and the maternal‐fetal origin of heart diseases and diabetes, as well as performance gaps in practice patterns of heart disease management in India. Briefly, his large body of work demonstrated: the relationship of air pollution to several chronic diseases in India using an innovative high-resolution exposure model technique involving machine learning and multiple data sources; the complex interplay of genetic and environmental drivers of chronic diseases in the rapidly urbanizing populations in India; and the higher risk of heart diseases among the poor and low‐ education groups underscoring the need to provide not just social safety nets but springboards for the poor to build a healthy India. \r\n\r\nIn addition, Prof Prabhakaran is leading several projects to develop low cost, context-specific solutions to enhance the quality of therapeutic and preventive care for chronic diseases in India. To enhance access to chronic disease care, he is spearheading research on low‐cost, mobile-phone-based solutions to provide personalized patient management solutions. His work also involves improving quality of care and is evaluating several models of care, including simple audit/feedback loops to physicians and Yoga-care in cardiac rehabilitation, the trial of a cardiovascular polypill in secondary prevention and programs for building the capacity of primary care physicians in the field of chronic diseases. \r\n \r\nCapacity Building: Prof Prabhakaran’s contribution to capacity building in chronic disease health research and training is exemplary. He is an exceptional mentor of doctoral, post‐doctoral and physician-scientists nationally and internationally, many of whom have become leaders in heart disease research. \r\n\r\nPublications and Awards: Prof. Prabhakaran has, by far, more than 550 publications in several high impact journals including the New England Journal of Medicine and Lancet with an H‐Index of 97. He has been listed as the topmost researcher in Medicine in India in terms of publications for the years 2009-2014 by Scopus and Department of Science & Technology, Government of India and recently listed among the top 2% of World’s researchers by the Stanford University with a very high ranking in Medicine and Cardiology. He has won several awards and accolades, including Quality Champion by the Quality Council of India among others. \r\n\r\nProf Prabhakaran’s work has had a significant impact on health care and policy. His exceptional contributions spanning Science, Medicine and Public Health has catapulted the field of Preventive Cardiology in India and the Low and Middle-income countries. \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n

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