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NCM-INSA Co-operation for Teachers Enrichment Workshops in Mathematics

Teacher’s Enrichment Workshops (TEW) are conducted by NCM and INSA jointly.
During the Ramanujan-125 celebrations in 2012, Teachers’ Enrichment Workshops (TEW) have been started in a few metro cities. The objectives of these workshops are to introduce college mathematics teachers to interesting topics in the basic subjects they teach. These lectures present interesting connections with other fields of mathematics or novel ways to teach a topic from the syllabus. The trained teachers may then deliver these lectures to some of the better students in their classes. The material covered in these lectures may be a starting point of reading projects that some good students in colleges may undertake.
TEW on Analysis and Algebra
TEW - Algebra & Discrete Mathematics
TEW - Algebra & Multivariate Calculus
TEW - Linear Algebra and its applications

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