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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
18977 Abdus Salam : A Bibliography Singh, Jagjit 1992 HistGeoBiography
C346 Abel salazar Dezembro de, Lisboa. 1956 Biosci & Paleontology
7043 Abeliam groups Fuchs, L 1960 Mathematics
10912 Abelian categories : Introduction to the theory of functions Freid, Peter 1964 Mathematics
12655 Abelian l-adic representations and elliptic curves Serre, Jean-Pierre 1968 Mathematics
14752 Abelian Varieties Mumford, David 1970 Mathematics
19450 About time : Einstein's unifished revolution Davies, Paul Physics
14735 Abrasives Coes, L 1971 Engineering
18422 Abrupt climatic change : Evidence and implications : Proceedings Berger, W.H. 1987 Earth
14555 Absorption spectra in the ultra violet and visible Region Lang, L 1965 Physics
14564 Absorption spectra in the ultra violet and visible Region : Cumulative index (1-V) Lang, L 1965 Physics
14562 Absorption spectra in the ultraviolet and visible region Lang, L. ed/ 1966 Physics
10452 Abstract algebra Deskins, W.E 1964 Mathematics
13793 Abstract harmonic analysis Hewitt, Edwin 1963 Mathematics
13677 Abstract hormonic analysis Hewitt, Edwin 1970 Mathematics
C2167 Abstracts: 28th international geological congress 1989 Earth
17704 Abusing science: Case against creationism Kitcher, Philip. 1983 Biosci & Paleontology
19506 Academic envoirment : a handbook for evaluating employment opportunities in science Lanks, Karl W 1996 Social Science
Academic press dictionary of science and technology Morris, Christopher ed 1992 S&T
C1367 Academy foram nuclear waste :What to do with it 1979 Engineering
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