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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
15421 Elements of mathematical logic model theory Kreisel, G 1967 Mathematics
15885 Elements of mathematics Boarbaki, Nicadas 1975 Mathematics
13673 Elements of mathematics : Theory of sets Bourbaki, Nicolas 1968 Mathematics
10231 Elements of modern abstract algebra Miller, Kenneth S 1958 Mathematics
14831 Elements of moraine ecology: Introductory course Tait, R.V. 1972 Biosci & Paleontology
1206 Elements of Nuclear Reactor theory Glasstone, Samuel 1952 Physics
4542 Elements of number theory Vinogradov, I.M 1954 Mathematics
13199 Elements of operational research Ghosal, A 1969 Management
11736 Elements of Physical Oceanography Mclellan, Hugh J. 1965 Earth
10005 Elements of point set topology Baum, John D 1964 Mathematics
18634 Elements of Properties of malter : With Typical Numericals Muthur, D.S 1987 Physics
C2574 Elements of prospecting for non-fuel minerals deposits Banerjee, P.K 1997 Earth
5886 Elements of solid state theory Wannier, Gregory H 1959 Physics
1830 Elements of Statistical mechanics Haar, D. Ter 1954 Physics
926 Elements of supervision Spriegel, William R 1942 Management
11127 Elements of the theory of probability Borel, Emile 1965 Mathematics
4546 Elements of the theory of real functions : Being notes of lectures delivered in the university of Cambridge Littlewood, J.E 1954 Mathematics
13184 Elements of theoretical Magnetism Krupicka, B.S 1968 Physics
12038 Elements of theoritical mechanics by electronic engineers Bultol, Franz Knowlson Elezabe 1965 Physics
C39 Elements of thermodynamics Fabry, Charles 1950 Physics
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