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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
19475 History of science and eminent scientist Kapoor, A.N. ed 1996 S&T
History of science and eminent scientists Kapoor, A.N. ed 1996 S&T
19188 History of science and technology during Gupta period Saran, Santosh 1992 S&T
History of seafaring : Based on underwater archaeology Bass, George F. 1972 Social Science
History of south India Chopra, P.N 1979 HistGeoBiography
History of strength of materials Timoswhenko, Stephen P 1953 Engineering
History of sufism in India Rizvi, Saiyid Arthar Abbas 1975 Philosophy & Religion
History of Tamil Nadu Subrahmanian, N 1972 HistGeoBiography
19036 History of technology Hollister-Short, Graham 1992 Engineering
C2963 History Of Technology In India 2001 S&T
20800 History of Technology/edited by Ian inkster 2008 S&T
History of the ancient world Starr, Chester G 1965 HistGeoBiography
5561 History of the Calculus and its conceptual development Boyer, Carl B 1959 Mathematics
17512 history of the calculus of variahions from the 17th through the 19th century. Goldstine, Herman H 1980 Mathematics
History of the canonical literature of the Jainas Kapadia, Hiralal Rasikdas 1941 Philosophy & Religion
17240 History of the earth Eicher, Don L 1980 Earth
8232 History of the earth : Introduction to historical geology Kummel, Berhard 1961 Earth
History of the Gurjara-Pratiharas Puri, Baij Nath 1957 HistGeoBiography
History of the Indian navy 1613-1863 Low, Chales Social Science
History of the Jaipur City Roy, Ashim Kumar 1978 HistGeoBiography
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