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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
2511 Harrap's shorter french and english dictionary Mansion, J.E. ed 1955 Generalia
Haryana rediscovered : Bibliographical area study Quraishi, S.Y 1958 HistGeoBiography
16776 Havelock Ellis philosopher of sex : a biography Brome, Vincent 1979 HistGeoBiography
19900 Health and longevity 1982 Medical Sci
18582 Health aspects of the disposal of waste chemicals Grisham, Joe W. ed 1986 Engineering
C2270 Health care of the rural aged 1990 Medical Sci
15398 Heart land of Asia Ettinger, Nathali 1971 HistGeoBiography
Heart of Nepal Forbes, Duncan 1962 HistGeoBiography
17894 Heartbeat of a trust : Fitty years of the Sir Dorabji tata Trust Lata, R.M Social Science
C2518 Heat engines Sandfort, John F 1962 Engineering
4066 Heat exchangers : Applications to gas turbines Hryniszak, W 1958 Engineering
Heat in the rigveda and atharva veda : General Survey with particular attention to some aspects and problems Blair, chauncey J 1961 Philosophy & Religion
15846 Heavy Nuclei superheavy nuclei and nutron stars Irvine, J.M 1975 Physics
Hegel's Lectures on the History of Philosophy Haldane, E.S 1974 Philosophy & Religion
Heinrich zimmer the art of Indian Asia: its mythology and transformations Campbell, Joseph ed. 1964 Arts & Literature
Hellenism in ancient India Banerjee, Gauranja Nath 1961 HistGeoBiography
12815 Helminthofauna of marine mammals : Ecology and phylogeny Skrjabin, K.I. 340 1968 Zoology
9730 Hemoglobin’s in genetics and evolution Ingram, Vernon M 1963 Zoology
19579 Henry More and the scientific revolution Hall, A.Rupert 1996 HistGeoBiography
20827 Herbs for healthy living Kiinkele, Ute. 2007 Agriculture
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21


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