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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
1238 Historical aspects of organic evdution Fothergill, Philip G. 1952 Biosci & Paleontology
5649 Historical development of physiological thought : Proceeding 1959 Medical Sci
Historical development of Quantam theory Mehra, Jagdish 1982 Physics
18434 Historical development of Quantum theory Mehra, Jagdish 1987 Physics
Historical geography of ancient India Law, Bimla Churn 1976 HistGeoBiography
1235 Historical Metrology : New analysis of the archaeological and the historical evidence relating to weights and measures Berriman, A.E 1953 Social Science
18175 Historical perspectives on peirce's logic of science: a history of science Eisele, Carolyn ed 1985 S&T
869 Historical records of the survey of India Phillimore, R.H. com. 1945 Astronomy
Historical sketches of ancient deccan Aiyer, K.V. Subrahmanya 1917 HistGeoBiography
Historical sketches of ancient Dekhan Aiyer, K.V. Subrahrnanya 1969 HistGeoBiography
C2131 Historical studies in the physical sciences McCormmach, Russell 1974 Mathematics
Historical view of the Hindu astronomy : Earliest dawn of that science in India to the present times Bentley, John. 1981 Astronomy
History and culture of Himalayan states Chark, Sukhdev Singh 1970 HistGeoBiography
History and historians of Rajasthan Khan, Shaukat Ali 1981 HistGeoBiography
5679 History and philosophy of science Hull, L.W.H 1959 S&T
History of ancient Bengal Majumdar, R.C 1971 HistGeoBiography
History of Ancient geography Tozer, H.F 1975 HistGeoBiography
6299 History of ancient geography : among the Greeks and Romans from the earliest a yes till HE fall of the Roman empire Bunbury, E.H 1959 HistGeoBiography
6300 History of ancient geography: Among the Greeks and Romans From the earliest ages till the fall of the Roman Empire Burbury, E.H 1959 HistGeoBiography
13592 History of ancient Indian mathematics Srinivasiengar, C.N 1967 Mathematics
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