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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
4284 Introduction to tropical agriculture Tempany, Harold. 1958 Agriculture
10101 Introduction to university physics Morgon, Joseph 1963 Physics
8267 Introductions to quantum mechnanics Dicke, Robert H 1960 Physics
15973 Introductory finite mathematics with computing Dorn, William S 1976 Mathematics
C443 Introductory lessons in modern mathematical concepts Bhatnager, P.L 1971 Mathematics
11108 Introductory numerical analysis of elliptic bounclary ualue problems Greenspan, Donald 1965 Mathematics
C2170 Introductory Psychology Kumar, H.D 1988 Botany
11014 Invariance principles and Elementary particles Sakura, J.J 1964 Physics
19105 Inventing the future: how science and technology transform our world Berry, F. Clifton 1993 Engineering
15547 Inventive universe Denbig, K.G 1975 Generalia
3457 Invertebrate : Manual for the use of students Borradaile, L.A 1956 Zoology
2639 Invertebrate fossils Moore, Raymond. 1952 Biosci & Paleontology
12344 Invertebrate structure and function Barrington, E.J.W 1967 Zoology
12341 Invertebrate zoology Kaestner, Alfred. 1967 Zoology
2830 Invertebrates Hyman, Libbie Henrietta 1940 Zoology
10172 Investigation of rates and mechanisms of reactions Friess, S. L. ed 1963 Chemistry
4539 Investigation of the lows of thought : On which are founded the mathematical theories of logic and probilities Boole, George 1854 Mathematics
4552 Investigations on the theory of the brownian movement Einstein, Albert 1956 Physics
19201 Investigative Work in the science curriculum Duggan, Sandra 1995 S&T
15589 Invisible collaged: diffusion of knowledge in Scientific communistic Crane, Diana 1972 Generalia
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