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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
3487 Love life of animals Buddenbrock, Wolfgang Von. 1956 Zoology
C2379 Lovers of learning: history of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters Pedersen, Olaf 1992 S&T
13391 Low temperature biology of Foodstuffs Hawthorn, John 1968 Chem Tech
C13 Low Temperature physics Simon, F.E 1952 Physics
11668 Low Temperature physics LT9 Daunt, J.G 1965 Physics
11669 Low Temperature PhysicsLT9 Dauat, J.G. 1965 Physics
Low temperature Solid State physics Rosenberg, H.M 1963 Physics
12620 Low-energy neutron physics Gurevich, I.I 1968 Physics
12218 Lower fungi phycomycetes Fitzpatrick, Harry Morton. 1966 Botany
11413 Lower metazoa : Comparative biology and phylogeny Dougherty, Ellsworth C. 340 1963 Zoology
14190 Lower Paleozoic rocjks of the world : Cambrian of the new world Holland, C.H. 1971 Earth
15969 Lrreversible properties of type 11 : Superconductors Ullmaier, Hans 1975 Physics
5329 Luftschranben Alexandrow, W.L 1954 Physics
14065 Lunar Rocks 1970 Astronomy
10524 Lunar surface layer Salisbury, John W. 1964 Astronomy
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


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