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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
17614 Landscape ecology: Theory and application Naveh, Zev. 1984 Biosci & Paleontology
11317 Language and information : Selected essays on their theory and application Bar-Hiller, Yeshoshua 1964 Generalia
13852 Language of magic and gardening Malinowski, Bronislaw. 1965 Biosci & Paleontology
7761 Language of mathematics Land, Frank 1960 Mathematics
18322 Language users handbook Systems, Weber 1986 Industries & Building
3216 Laplace transform Widder, David Vernon 1946 Mathematics
8192 Large Elastic Deformations and Non-lunear Continuum meehanics Green, A.E 1970 Physics
15907 Large infinitary languages : Model theory Dickmann, M.A 1975 Mathematics
Larousse encyclopedia of mythology Graves, Robert. 1959 Philosophy & Religion
Larousse world mythology Grimal, Pierre. 1965 Philosophy & Religion
17663 Lars Valerian Ahlfors: collected papers Shortt, Raemichael ed 1982 Mathematics
11035 Laser abstracts Kamal, A.K 1964 Physics
19650 Laser manipulation of atoms and ions 1992 Physics
15858 Laser raman spectroscopy : Survey of interest..crystals Gilson, T.R 1970 Physics
C1847 Lasers and applications : Proceeding Bist, H.D. 1984 Engineering
C2154 Lasers and light: Readings from scientific American Schawlow, Arthur L 1969 Physics
C2080 Last of the Romans and European culture Ukolora, Victoria 1989 HistGeoBiography
Late antique early Christian and mediaeval art : Selected Papers Schapiro, Meyer. 1980 Arts & Literature
Later Hindu Civilization A.D. 500 to A.D. 1200 Dutt, Romesh Chandra 1965 Generalia
14881 Lateral line sense organs and their importance in fish behavior Disler, N.N 1971 Zoology
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


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