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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
10307 Lectures in abstract algebra Jacobson, Nathan 1964 Mathematics
9606 Lectures in materials science Debyl, P.J.W 1963 Chem Tech
9047 Lectures in projective geometry Seidenberg, A 1962 Mathematics
7327 Lectures in theoretical physics Bretten, Wesley 1960 Physics
16710 Lectures on algebraic topology Dold, A 1972 Mathematics
10440 Lectures on differntial geometry Sternberg, Shlomo 1964 Mathematics
16688 Lectures on electrical engineering Alger, Philip L. ed 1971 Engineering
9384 Lectures on fluid mechanics Goldstein, Sydney 1960 Physics
13675 Lectures on forms in many variables Greenberg, Marvin J 1969 Mathematics
5770 Lectures on fourier integrals Bochner, Salomon 1959 Mathematics
10255 Lectures on Gas theory Boltzmann, Ludwig Brish Stephe 1964 Physics
11164 Lectures on general algebra Kurosh, A.G 1963 Mathematics
11112 Lectures on general Relativity Trautmann, A 1965 Physics
14327 Lectures on injective modules and Quotient rings Faith, Carl 1967 Mathematics
8442 Lectures on linear algebra Get'Fand, I.M. 1961 Mathematics
12663 Lectures on modern mathematics Saaty, T.L. 1963 Mathematics
5822 Lectures on Nuclear theory Landau, L.D 1958 Physics
C21 Lectures on quantum mechanics Siddiqi, Raziuddin 1938 Physics
16109 Lectures on structure and significance of science Mohr, H 1977 S&T
5214 Lectures on the Icos ahedron and the solution of equations of the fifth degree Klein, Felix 1956 Mathematics
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


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