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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
10102 Lectures on the many-electron problem Brout, R 1963 Physics
7343 Lectures on the theory of functions of a complex variable Sansone, Giovanni 1960 Mathematics
6138 Lectures on theory of functions of real variables Pierpont, James 1905 Mathematics
Legacy of China Dawson, Raymond 1964 HistGeoBiography
Legacy of egyot Glanville, S.R.K 1963 HistGeoBiography
Legacy of India Garratt, G.T. 1962 HistGeoBiography
Legacy of persia Arberry, A.J. 1953 HistGeoBiography
12525 Lepidoptera Kuznetsov, N.Ya 1967 Zoology
C2365 Les prix noble: noble prizes 1992 Frangsmyr, Tore 1993 Generalia
18601 Leslie peltier's guide to the stars Peltier, Leslie C. 1986 Astronomy
20121 Let us C Kanetkar, Yashavant 1999 Industries & Building
14153 Letters on leaf miners Hering, Erich M 1968 Zoology
15762 Libraries in higher education : User approach to service Cowley, John 1975 Generalia
20135 Libraries without walls 2: the delivery of library services to distant users Brophy, Peter ed 1998 Generalia
17494 Library administration : Theory and practice Mittal, R.L 1983 Generalia
20118 Library and information networking NACLIN 98: proceedings of the National Convention on Library and Information Networki Kaul, H.K. ed Generalia
20117 Library and information services Navalani, K. ed 1999 Generalia
1277 Library book selection Ranganathan, S.R 1962 Generalia
15005 Library building and furniture : with special reference to college libraries Sharma, H.D 1970 Generalia
1276 Library four 1948 : Europe and America impressions and Reflections Ranganathan, S.R 1950 Generalia
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


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