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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
10666 Linear algbra Greub, Werner H 1963 Mathematics
C2751 Linear algebra Helson, Henry 1994 Mathematics
C2766 Linear algebra and linear models Bapat, R.B Mathematics
4306 Linear algebra and matrix theory Stoll, Robert R 1952 Mathematics
13667 Linear algebra and multivariable caleulus Feeman, George F 1970 Mathematics
14326 Linear algebraic groups Borel, Armand 1969 Mathematics
13273 Linear analysis and defferential equations MacCamy, Richard C 1969 Mathematics
13661 Linear and quasilinear elliptic equations Ladyzhenskaya, Olga A 1968 Mathematics
11603 Linear data-smoothing and prediction in theory and practice Blackman, R.B 1965 Engineering
8465 Linear differential operators Lanczos, Carnelius 1961 Mathematics
2673 Linear inequalities and related systems Kuhn, H.W. 1956 Mathematics
5153 Linear integral equations Lovitt, William Vernon 1950 Mathematics
15872 Linear operators Dunford, Nelson 1971 Mathematics
9919 Linear programming chung, An-min 1963 Mathematics
11149 Linear programming : Introductory analysis Loomba, N. Paul 1964 Mathematics
10229 Linear topological spaces Kelley, J.L 1963 Mathematics
C2558 Lining the earthen irrigation channels Sally, H.L 1965 Engineering
19222 Linus Pauling : scientist and advocate Newton, David E 1994 HistGeoBiography
3828 Lipid metabolism: Proceedings Williams, R.T.. 1952 Biosci & Paleontology
C531 Liquid crystals Chandrasekhar, S. 1973 Chemistry
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


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