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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
C1510 Liquid erystals Chandrasekhar, S 1984 Physics
16546 Liquid fuels from coal Ellington, Rex T.. 1977 Chem Tech
7990 Liquid Helium Atkins, K.R 1959 Physics
11976 Liquid state Pryde, J.A 1966 Physics
15850 Liquid state physics a statistical mechanical introduction Croxton, Clive A 1974 Physics
Literary history of Persia Browne, Edward G. 1969 Arts & Literature
6936 Liver function : symposium on approaches to the quantitative description of liver function Medical Sci
16064 Living biographies of great sciencists Thomas, Henry 1976 HistGeoBiography
7581 Living Earth Farb, Peter. 1959 Agriculture
11391 Living Embryos : Introduction to the study of animal development Cohen, B.J 1963 Zoology
17878 Living Himalayas Gupta, Raj kumar. 1983 Biosci & Paleontology
11837 Living races of man Coon, Carleton S. 1965 Biosci & Paleontology
Living religions of the Indian people Macnicol, Nicol 1979 Philosophy & Religion
4119 Living resource of the sea: Opportunities for research and expansion Walford, Lionel A. 1958 Biosci & Paleontology
C1317 Living yoga: higher perspectives in Vedic sciences Suren, Aviyogi 1977 Philosophy & Religion
10964 Local analytic geometry Abhyankar, Shreeram Shankar 1964 Mathematics
Local government in ancient India Mookerji, Radha Social Science
Loess in China Yong-Yan, Wang 1980 Earth
16598 Logic and probability in quantum mechanics Suppes, Patrick 1978 Physics
16515 Logic and scientific Method Gupta, S.P 1978 Philosophy & Religion
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


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