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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
6990 Non-liner wave mechanics : Causal inter pretation De Broglie, Louis 1960 Physics
14040 Non-Marine Organic Geochemistry Swain, Frederick M. 1970 Earth
C2090 Non-Newtonian fluid flows Kapur, J.N 1982 Physics
41 Non-stable stars Herbig, George H. 1957 Astronomy
C1678 Non-steady flow of water at high speeds Sedov, L.I 1973 Physics
18345 Non-traditional oilseeds and oils in India Bringi, N.V. 1987 Chemistry
8967 Non-Wquilibrium thermodynamics DeGroot, S.R 1962 Physics
11577 Nondestructive high potential testing Miller, Harold N 1964 Engineering
2376 Noneuclidean geometry Coxeter, H.S.M 1947 Mathematics
2651 Noneuclidean geometry : Critical and historical study of its developmente Bonola, Roberto 1955 Mathematics
12475 Nonlinear autonomous oscillations : Analytical theory Urabe, Minoru 1967 Engineering
C2724 Nonlinear dynamics and computational physics Sheorey, V.B. ed 1999 Physics
14097 Nonlinear effects in plasma Tystovich, Vadim N 1970 Physics
11579 Nonlinear integral equations : Proceedings Ansselsone, P.M. ed 1964 Mathematics
19544 Nonlinear optical materials 1995 Physics
11027 Nonlinear optics : Lecture note and reprint volume Bloemergen, N 1965 Physics
10995 Nonlinear oscillations in physical systems Hayashi, Chihiro 1964 Engineering
13201 Nonlinear problems of compressible Flow Bagdoev, A.G 1969 Physics
11987 Nonlinear system analysis Blaquiere, Austin 1960 Mathematics
12638 Nonlinear two point boundary value problems Bailey, Paul B 1968 Mathematics
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


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