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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
11633 Nonparametric trend analysis Furguson, George ANdrew 1965 Mathematics
19926 Nonsense in Indian Science Salwi, Dilip M 1998 S&T
7341 Normed rings Naimark, M.A 1959 Mathematics
17301 North American droughts Rosenberg, Norman J. . 1978 Earth
North Indian social life : During mughal period Ojha, P.N 1975 HistGeoBiography
19691 Notable women in the life sciences : a bibliographical dictionary Shearer, Benjamin F. ed 1996 S&T
C2752 Notes on complex function theory Sarason, Donald 1994 Mathematics
C2759 Notes on infinite permutation groups Bhattacharjee, Meenaxi 1997 Mathematics
19483 Notes on quantum mechanics : a notes given by Enrico Fermi at the University of Chicago Schluter, Robert A 1995 Physics
8328 Notes on quantum mechnanics Fermi, Enroic 1961 Physics
Notes on the ancient geography of Gandhara Foucher, A 1944 HistGeoBiography
C1369 NPK : Indian Agriculture (1971-1975) Tandon, H.L.S 220. 1978 Agriculture
884 I nterplanetary flight : Introduction to astronautics Clarke, Arthur C 1950 Engineering
16138 Nuclear age 1974 Engineering
19344 Nuclear ambition of Japan Chopra, V.D 1995 Engineering
19737 Nuclear choices : a citizen's guide to nuclear technology Wolfson, Richard 1993 Engineering
16490 Nuclear energy : Its physics and its social challenge Inglis, David Rittenhouse 1973 Engineering
18124 Nuclear energy : Sensible alternative Ott, Karl O. 1985 Engineering
17035 Nuclear energy and alternatives : Proceedings Kadiroglu, Osman Kemal 1978 Engineering
C364 Nuclear explosion and their effects 1956 Engineering
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