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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
17339 Nuclear resources : World energy resources 1985-2020 Foster, J.S 1978 Engineering
4338 Nuclear spectroscopy tables Wapstra, A.H 1959 Physics
16873 Nuclear State Jungk, Robert 1979 Engineering
14209 Nuclear structure Bohr, Aage 1969 Physics
18163 Nuclear structure : Proceedings Broglia, Ricardo 1985 Physics
11039 Nuclear tables:nuclear properties Kunz, Wunbald 1958 Physics
2422 Nuclear theroy Sachs, Robert 1953 Physics
18132 Nuclear winter : Human and environ mental consequwenes of nuclear war Harwell, Mark A Social Science
7398 Nucleic acid outlines Potter, Van R. 1960 Biosci & Paleontology
9858 Nucleic acids Chargaft, Erwin. 1960 Biosci & Paleontology
C1273 Nucleo synthesis Biswas, S 1981 Physics
6910 Nucleoproteins: Proceedings Chemistry
Number theory Bambah, R.P. ed 2000 Mathematics
13250 Number theory and analysis : Collection of papers in honor of Edmund Landau (1877-1938) Turan, Paul 1969 Mathematics
528 Number theory and its history Ore, Oystein 1948 Mathematics
17390 Numbers and infinity : Historical aecount of mathematical concepts Soudheimer, Ernet 1981 Mathematics
10971 Numbers and units for science Harris, Frank E 1963 Physics
11622 Numerical analysis : With scientific applicaations Dodes, Irving Allen 1964 Mathematics
14518 Numerical analysis in geomorphology an introduction Doornkamp, John C 1971 Earth
5159 Numerical integration of differential equations Bennett, Albert A 1959 Mathematics
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


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