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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
C1563 Nature conservation in Ireland : progress and problems Jeffrey, D.W. 1984 Social Science
17664 Nature mathematized : Historical and philosophical case studies in classical modern natural philosophy : Proceedings Shea, William R. Mathematics
14585 Nature of ball lightning Singer, Stanley 1971 Earth
16886 Nature of enzymology Foster, R.L. 1980 Biosci & Paleontology
Nature of genetic variation in man: Proceedings Chauhan, P.S.. 1988 Biosci & Paleontology
18386 Nature of ineversibility : A study of its dynamics and Philosophical on gives Hollinger, Henry B 1985 Physics
Nature of light : Historical survey Ronchi, Vasco 1939 Physics
HS 111 Nature of physical knowledge Friedrich, L.W. 1961 Physics
8367 Nature of physical reality : Philosophy of modern physics Margenau, Henry 1950 Physics
875 Nature of physical theory Bridgman, P.W 1936 Physics
18198 Nature of the environment: Advanced Physical geography Goudie, Andrew. 1984 Biosci & Paleontology
10994 Nature of the planets Sharonov, V.V. 1964 Astronomy
5127 Nature of things Bragg, William 1925 Physics
9067 Nature organic macromolecules Jirgensons, Bruno 1962 Industries & Building
14127 Nature study for conservation : Handbook for environmental education Brainerd, John W Social Science
19245 Nature's Economy: A History of Ecological Ideas Wordstar, Donald. 1994 Biosci & Paleontology
20445 Nature's government Drayton, Richard Harry 2000 HistGeoBiography
19853 Naturopathy: a cure to cancer 1997 Medical Sci
19673 Naturopathy: the art of drugless healing 1997 Medical Sci
Nayya system of logic : Some basic theories and techniques Guha, Dinesh Chandra 1968 Philosophy & Religion
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


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