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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
2620 New naturalist: Survey of British natural history : World of honeybee Butler, Colin G. 1954 Agriculture
16549 New pathways in high-energy physics Perlmutter, Arnold 1976 Physics
9727 New patterns in genetics and development waddington, C.H. 1962 Biosci & Paleontology
18501 New Perspectives in north-south dialouge : Essays in honour of Olof Palme Hadjor, Kofi Buenor 1988 Social Science
10214 New perspectives in physics De Broglie, Louis 1962 Physics
C1922 New Perspectives of history Parikh, Ramlal. 1986 HistGeoBiography
16614 New perspectives on galileo:paper deriving from and related to a workshop on galileo held at virginia polytechnic and st Butts, Robert E. ed S&T
18719 New physics Davies, Paul 1989 Physics
2123 New physics : Talks on aspects of science Raman, C.V 1951 Physics
19165 New renewable energy resources: a guide to the future 1994 Engineering
19569 New sleep : two cultures and two kingdom's Tallis, Raymond 1995 S&T
16931 New solar Physics Eddy, John A. 1978 Astronomy
17914 New Solar system Kelly Beathy, J. 1981 Astronomy
C1184 New strategy in agriculture : Collection of the speeches Subramanian, C. 1972 Agriculture
C725 New Theories in Physics 1939 Physics
C1434 New trends in the chemistry of Nitrogen fixation Chatt, J. 1980 Chem Tech
C712 New unified theory of the universe and alom Chakravorty, K.R. Physics
19179 New Views on old planet: A History of Global change Van Andel, Tjeerd H 1994 Earth
17043 New Worlds : Des coveries from our solar system Braun, W.V. Astronomy
15297 New Worlds in Physics Tayler, John G 1971 Physics
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


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