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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
17268 Niels Bohr collected works Rosenfeld, L. ed 1981 Physics
18502 Niels Bohr's philosophy of physics Murdoch, Dugald 1987 Physics
C1095 Nitrogen assimilation and crop productivity : Proceedings Sen, S.P.. 1978 Agriculture
C770 Nitrogen fixation and nitrogen cycle Takahashi, H.. 1975 Biosci & Paleontology
7815 NMR and Epr Spectroscopy Staff, Nmr-Epr 1960 Physics
17503 NMR in molecular biology Jardetzky, Oleg. 1981 Biosci & Paleontology
C2200 NMR of proteins and nucleic acids Wuthrich, Kurt 1986 Physics
14032 nnual review of nuclear science Segre, Emilio ed 1966 Physics
15332 No-deposit-no return: Man and his environment Johnson, Huey D.. 1970 Biosci & Paleontology
19789 Nobel lectures in chemistry 1991-95 Malmstrom, BoG. ed 1997 Chemistry
16711 Nobel lectures in molecular biology Baltimor, David 1977 Biosci & Paleontology
19555 Nobel lectures in Physics 1971-1980 Lundqvist, Stig ed 1992 Physics
19788 Nobel lectures in physics 1991-1995 Ekspong, Gosta ed 1997 Physics
19790 Nobel lectures in physiology or medicine 1991-1995 1997 Medical Sci
12024 Nobel lectures: Chemistry 1922-41 1966 Chemistry
13484 Nobel lectures: Chemistry 1942-1962 1964 Chemistry
Nobel Lectures: chemistry 1991-95 Malmstrom, Bo G ed. 1997 Chemistry
11026 Noble lecture 1965 Physics
16953 Noble Lectures 1972 Physics
19128 Noble lectures in Chemistry: 1971-1980 Forsen, Sture 1993 Chemistry
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


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