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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
19127 Noble lectures in Physiology or medicine: 1971-1980 1992 Medical Sci
Noble Lectures: Chemistry 1922-41 1966 Chemistry
16952 Noble Lectures: Chemistry 1963-1970 1972 Chemistry
12530 Noctilucent clouds Khvostikou, I.A. . 1967 Earth
14798 Noise 2000: Proceedings Zonder land, Pieter 1971 Engineering
12209 Noks for breeders of common laboratory animals Porker, George ED. 1962 Agriculture
19148 Nomenclature of inorganic chemistry: recommendations Leigh, G.J.. 1990 Chemistry
19149 Nomenclature of organic Chemistry: recommendations 1993 Panico, R. Powell W.H. 1994 Chemistry
16407 Nominalism and realism: universals and scientific realism volume Armstrong, D.M 1978 Philosophy & Religion
10917 Non classical shell problems : Proceedings Olszk, W. ED 1964 Mathematics
17729 Non conventional energy resources Pryde, Philip R 1983 Engineering
7336 Non crystalline solids Frechette, V.D. ed 1960 Physics
8371 Non euclidean geometry Kulezycki, Stefan 1961 Mathematics
1977 Non linear problems in mechanics of continua Proceedings 1949 Mathematics
3304 Non stable stars Herbig, Georg H. 1957 Astronomy
10012 Non-algebraic elementary functions : Rigorous approach Yandl, Andre L 1964 Mathematics
12980 Non-elastic processes in the mantle : Proceedings Tozer, D.C. 1968 Earth
5830 non-homogeneity and plasticity Olszak, W. 1959 Physics
C1448 Non-isotopic immunoassays ans their Applications Talwar, G.P.. 1983 Biosci & Paleontology
6711 Non-linear wave mechanics : Causal interpretation De Broglie, Louis 1960 Physics
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


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