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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
C2232 Sustainable mountain agriculture: farmers strategies and innovative approaches Jodha, N.S. ed. 1992 Agriculture
C2231 Sustainable mountain agriculture: Perspectives and issues Jodha, N.S. ed. 1992 Agriculture
Svami dayanda sarasvatis Rgvedadi bhasy-bhumika : Introduction to the commentary on the four veda Parmanand, 730 1981 Philosophy & Religion
Swaraj Sastra : Principles of a non-violent political order Vinoba 1973 Social Science
Swedish-English dictionary Reuter, O.R. Comp 1956 Generalia
17111 Switzerland’s and Austria Mbaeyi, Peter ed 1974 S&T
Syad-Vada-Manjari Thomas, F.W. 730 1958 Philosophy & Religion
C519 Symbol sourcebook: an authoritative guide to International graphic symbols Dreyfuss, Henery 1972 Generalia
16741 Symmetry Weyl, Hermann 1952 Generalia
10460 Symmetry : Introduction to group theory and its applications Mcwenny, R 1963 Mathematics
19284 Symmetry in science Rosen, Joe 1995 Generalia
C922 Symmetry in science and art Shubnikou, A.V 1974 Generalia
11190 Symmetry in the solid state Knox, Robert S 1964 Physics
13962 Symmetry principles and atomic spectroscopy Wybourne, Brian G 1970 Physics
13186 Symmetry principles at high energy Perlmutter, Arnold 1968 Physics
3286 Symposium of tuberculosis 1957 Medical Sci
C129 Symposium on artificial rain 1955 Earth
11502 Symposium on computer augmentation of human reasoning Sass, Margo A. ed 1965 Industries & Building
11448 Symposium on foods!Proteins and their reactions Schultz, H.W. ED. 1964 Biosci & Paleontology
C645 Symposium on Hindu Astronomy 1976 Astronomy
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