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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
17038 Science and science policy in the Arab world Zahlan, A.B 1980 S&T
17721 Science and Scientists: Essays by biochemists biologists and chemists Kageyama, M. 1981 Biosci & Paleontology
C2323 Science and sensibility Newman, James R 1961 S&T
15224 Science and sentiment in America: philosophical thought from Jonathan Edwards to John Dewey White, Morton 1972 Philosophy & Religion
15941 Science and social responsibility Goldsmith, Maurice ed 1975 S&T
16107 Science and society :some reflections Chaudhuri, B.D.Nag 1977 S&T
16108 Science and society in ancient india Chattopadhyaya, Debiprasad 1977 S&T
16097 Science and society in modern Japan : Selected historical sources Shigeru, Nakayama 1974 S&T
20414 Science and society in the twentieth century Sherman, Wendy R 2004 S&T
20092 Science and spectacle: the work of Jodrell Bank in port-war British culture Agar, Jon. 1998 Astronomy
358 Science and statistics in the nether land indies Honig, Pieter 1945 S&T
C2209 Science and Technical Education in India 1781-1900 Sen, S.N 1991 Social Science
C2559 Science and technology : humanism and progress : soviet studies on the history of science Fedoseyev, P.N. ed 1981 S&T
19476 Science and technology education : new thrust and recent trends Gupta, V.K. ed Social Science
18476 Science and technology education and futute human needs Lewis, J.L. 1986 Social Science
20256 Science and technology education for all Rao, Social Science
19868 Science and technology in a developing world Shinn, Terry ed 1997 S&T
C2442 Science and technology in China : selections from the bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences Li, Xang 1993 S&T
C2181 Science and technology in China: Selections from the Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Dajun, Su ed 1990 S&T
15258 Science and technology in India Rahman, A 1973 S&T
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