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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
5275 Water waves : The mathematical theory with applications Stoker, J.J 1957 Physics
15865 Water: Fountain of opportunity Deming, H.G 1975 Earth
12026 Waters of the sea Groen, P 1967 Earth
C1088 Wave lengths of x-rays emission lines and Absorption Edhes Canchois, C 1978 Physics
4661 Wave mechanics Flint, H.T 1928 Physics
11840 Wave mechanics and molecular biology De Broglie, Louis 1966 Physics
309 Wave mechnanics and its applications Mott, N.F 1948 Physics
8505 Wave mehanics of electronsim metals Raimes, Stanley 1961 Physics
1591 Wave motion and vibration theory Heins, Albert E 1954 Physics
996 Waveguide handbook Marcuvitz, N. 1951 Engineering
4901 Waves : Mathematical account of the comman types of waves motion Coulson, C.A 1958 Physics
8204 Waves in layered media Brekhovskikh, Leonid M 1960 Physics
3143 Waves optics : Interference and diffraction Curry, C 1957 Physics
10923 Ways of thought of great mathematicians: an approach to the history of mathematics Meschkowski, Herbert 1964 Mathematics
16200 Weapons of mass destruction and the environment 1977 Engineering
12340 Weather and agriculture Taylor, James A.. 1967 Agriculture
4430 Weather and climate Koeppe, Clarence E 1958 Earth
15443 Weather and climate modification Hess, W.N. . 1974 Earth
16914 Weather and climate modification : Problems and progress 1973 Earth
17361 Weather and climate on planets Kondratyev, K Y. 1982 Astronomy
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


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