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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
19843 What makes nature tick Newton, Roger G 1993 S&T
When a great tradition modernizes : Anthropological approach to Indian Civilization Singer, Milton 1972 Generalia
17627 While the light lives :reminiscences of a medical scientist Viswanathan, R 1975 HistGeoBiography
11358 Whistlers and related ionospheric phenomena Helliwell, Robert A 1965 Earth
20085 Whitaker's Almanack.1999 1999 Generalia
3897 White Dwarts schatzman, E. 1958 Astronomy
C2406 Whither India? Whither mankind? : a normative prognosis based on a new personality theory and a new image of man Asian and HistGeoBiography
C914 Who do you think you are?: Man or superman: Genetic Controversy Gillie, Oliver. 1976 Biosci & Paleontology
C2501 WHO Global database on child growth and malnutrition 1997 Medical Sci
18567 Who got einstein's office? : Eccentricity and genius at the institute for advanced study Regis, Ed 1987 Generalia
Who's Who in Classical mythology Grant, Michael. 1973 Philosophy & Religion
Who's who in the ancient world: a handbook to the survivors of the greek and roman classics Radice, Betty 1971 HistGeoBiography
19479 Wholeness and implicate order Bohm 1995 Physics
18866 Wholeness and the implicate order Bohn, David 1980 S&T
C2107 Whos who Fakhry, Ahmed A 1989 HistGeoBiography
19658 Why are things the way they are? Venkataraman, G. 1992 Social Science
10305 Why teach physics : based on discussion at the International Conference on physics in general education Brown, Sanborn C 1964 Physics
19265 Widening perspectives on biodiversity Krattiger, Anatole F. ed. 1994 Biosci & Paleontology
C3221 Wildlife biodiversity conservation edited by Mallapureddi Vikram Raddy: Daya Publishing House 2008 S&T
3535 William Harvey : His life and times : His discoveries : His methods Chauvois, Louis 1957 HistGeoBiography
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


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