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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
16551 William Henry bragg 1862-1942: man and scientist Caroe, G.M 1978 HistGeoBiography
16431 William Henry Fox talbot : pioneer of photography and man of science Arnold, H.J. P 1977 HistGeoBiography
10321 William Herschel and the Construction of the Heavens Houskin, Michael A. 1963 Astronomy
C724 Wind and solar energy : Proceedings 1956 Engineering
11689 Wind driven ocean circulations Robinson, Allan R. 1963 Earth
19394 Wind energy comesof age Gipe, Paul Social Science
18176 Wind energy data for India Mani, Anna 1983 Engineering
16027 Wind power Simmons, Daniel 1975 Engineering
11015 Wind waves : Their generation and Propagation on the ocean surface Kinsman, Blair 1965 Earth
17034 Window in the sky : Astronomy from beyond the earths Atmosphere Lawton, A.T. 1979 Astronomy
19905 Windows 95 installation and configuration handbook Tidrow, Rob 1995 Industries & Building
2684 Wing theory Robenson, A 1956 Physics
20066 Wings of fire: An autobiography Tiwari, A. 1999 HistGeoBiography
Winter school on integrated agriculture development in the command areas of irrigation projects 1983 Agriculture
18789 Wisdom Information and wonder what is knowledge for? Midgley, Mary 1989 Philosophy & Religion
12829 Wiswesser lin-formula chemical notation Smith, Elbert G 1968 Chemistry
C2288 Witelonis perspective liber secundus et liber tertius Burchardt, Jerzy. , 1991 Generalia
17077 Wittgenstein on the foundations of mathematics Wright, Crispin 1980 Mathematics
16606 Wittgenstein's philosophy of mathematics Klenk, V.H 1976 Mathematics
19238 Wittgenstein’s philosophy of Mathematics Frascolla, Pasquale 1994 Mathematics
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


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