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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
Woman in India Billington, Mary Frances Social Science
20509 Women at the edge of discovery Haven, Kendall 2005 HistGeoBiography
19408 Women changing science : voice from a field in transition Morse, Mary 1995 S&T
19058 Women scientists: meeting the Challenges for a successful career Yentsch, Clarice M 1992 S&T
19648 Women Workers and technological change in Europe in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centries London, Tylor 1995 Social Science
20636 Wonders of the World Forty Sandra. 2007 Arts & Literature
C1674 Wood-stove dissemination : Proceedings Clarke, Robin 1985 Engineering
18621 Wordstar 2000 Handbook Perry, Greg M 1988 Industries & Building
1003 Work methods manual Barnes, Ralph M 1944 Management
19883 Working with oracle development tools Seibert,Graham. 1991 Industries & Building
19380 Working with windows 3.1 Moseley, Marshall L 1992 Industries & Building
5131 Works of Archemides Heath, T.L 1912 Mathematics
9083 Works of the institute of higher nervous activity Styr, Jan 730 1960 Zoology
C2626 Workshop on space dynamics and celestial mechanics: proceedings of the workshop on space dynamics and celestial mechanic Bhatnagar, K.B. ed. Ishwar Bho. Astronomy
World alphabets: their origin and development Rahi, Ishwar Chandra Generalia
11908 World atlas Hamond 1966 HistGeoBiography
World Bank Atlas 1999 Generalia
11539 World beneath the oceans Gaskell, T.F 1964 Earth
19693 World communication: disempowerment & self-empowerment Hamelink, Cees 1995 Social Science
C2939 World Conference on Science: Science for the Twenty First Century A New Commitement Cetto, Ana Maria ed 2000 S&T
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


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