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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
20422 World ecomomic and social survey 2004: 2005 Social Science
19933 World economic and social survey 1997 trends and policies in the world economy: 1997 Social Science
20423 World economic and social survey 2004: 2004 Social Science
17341 World energy demand : Proceedings Bloodworth, I.J 1978 Engineering
17350 World energy issues and policies : Proceedings Mabro, Robert 1980 Engineering
17338 World energy Resources 1985-2020 : Oil and gas Resources 1978 Engineering
17593 World energy supply : Resources technologies perspectives Grathwohl, Manfred 1982 Engineering
17239 World energy triangle : Strategy for cooperation Hoffmann, Thomas 1981 Engineering
17934 World environment 1972-1982: Report by the united nations environment programme Holdgate, Martin W.. 1982 Biosci & Paleontology
C867 World food and nutrition study : Potential Contributions of research 1977 Agriculture
16348 World food crisis Marei, Sayed Ahmed. 1976 Agriculture
C898 World guide to abbreviations of organizations Buttress, F.A 1976 Generalia
15572 World guide to scientific associations Zils, Michael ed 1974 Generalia
World history : Our heritage Mujeeb, M 1960 HistGeoBiography
19798 World information report 1997/98 UNESCO 1997 Management
20427 World investment report 2005 Unired Nations Social Science
4737 World list of scientific periodicals 1900-1950 Smith, William Allan ed 1952 Generalia
12713 World list of scientific periodicals published in the years 1900-1960 Brown, Peter ed 1963 Generalia
19837 world list of university and ther institutions of higher education: 1997 Social Science
12320 World mark encyclopedia of the nations Sachs, Moshey ed 1965 HistGeoBiography
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


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