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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
6246 World medical research: Principles and practices 1959 Medical Sci
7285 World of amphibians and reptiles Mertens, Robert. 1960 Zoology
World of Archeology: Pioneers tell their own story Ceram, C.W.. 1966 Biosci & Paleontology
20828 World of discovery: amazing places/ compiled by Ann F Stonehouse and edited by Isla Love 2006 HistGeoBiography
5116 World of insects Pesson, Paul 1959 Zoology
19121 World of invention Travers, Bridget ed 1994 S&T
18529 World of Learning 1988 1988 Generalia
2393 World of mathematics : Small library of the literature of mathematics from A'h-mose the scribe to Albert Einstein Newman, James R 1956 Mathematics
2391 World of mathematics : Small library of the literatuse of mathematics from A'h-mose the scribe to Albert Einstein Newman, James 1956 Mathematics
2394 World of mathematics : Smoll library of the literature of mathematics from A'h-mose the scribe to Albert Einstein Newman, James R 1956 Mathematics
233 World of numbers McKey, Herbert 1946 Mathematics
C2278 World of petroleum Deshpande, B.G 1992 Chem Tech
19088 World of scientific discovery Travers, Bridget ed 1994 S&T
World of the past Hawkes, Jacquetta. 1963 Biosci & Paleontology
17912 World on paper : Studies on the second scientific revolution Bellone, Enrico 1980 Physics
20060 World resources S&T
C2697 World resources 1986 1986 Social Science
C1978 World resources 1987 1987 Social Science
C2084 World Resources 1988-89 : A report by the world Resoures Institute 1988 Social Science
19820 World resources 1996-97 1996 S&T
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


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