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Blackett Memorial Lecture and the Sir J.C. Bose Memorial Lecture
In 1975, INSA and the Royal Society jointly established the Blackett Memorial Lecture to commemorate late lord PMS Blackett close relationship with India epitomizing the extensive and fruitful scientific interchange between Britain and India generally as well as the close relationship between the Royal Society and the Indian National Science Academy. Initially the lecture was held every second year in India and the United Kingdom alternately. Since 1993 lectures are held annually alternative in India (entitled Balckett Memorial Lecture) and in UK (entitled Sir J C Bose Memorial Lecture.)

Blackett Memorial Lecture delivered
in India and UK

1976 Sir Harrie Masse
1978 B V Sreekantan
1980 Sir Michael Stoker
1982 M S Swaminathan
1984 Sir Andrew Huxley
1986 MGK Menon
1988 Sir Roger Elliott
1990 CNR Rao
1992 Sir B Follett
1994 Peter Day
1996 Sir Aaron Klug
1998 Sir Harold Kroto
2001 Lord (Robert McCredie)
          May of Oxford, AC kt
2003 Sir Patrick Bateson
2005 Prof. Julia S. Higgins
2007 Prof Martin Rees
Sir J.C. Bose Memorial Lecture in UK

1993 A P Mitra
1995 M M Sharma
1997 C Gopalan
1999 S Chandrasekher
2002 G.Swaroop
2004 K. Kasturirangan
2006 Ashoke Sen


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