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INSA and the Academia Brazileira de Ciencias, Brazil; Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Germany; The German Academy of Sciences, Leopoldina; Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS), Budapest, Hungary; the Israel Academy of Sciences & Humanities, Israel; Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Tokyo, Japan; the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF), Seoul, Korea; the Russian Academy of Sciences, (RAS), Moscow, Russia; US National Academy of Sciences(USNAS) organize joint seminars alternately in India and abroad from time to time for interaction of scientists to develop joint research activities/research projects. In general, 5-6 scientists are nominated for participation in the seminars under the bilateral exchange programme. The International travel is borne by the nominating organization and the local hospitality is covered by the host organization. The topics of the seminar are decided jointly by the nominating and host Academy based on the proposals received from the coordinating scientists from both the countries. The details of the topics under which the joints seminars have been held are as follows:

 Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Germany

15 Seminars:- 5 on ‘Electrochemistry’, 1 on ‘Fracture Mechanics’, 1 on ‘Leishmaniasis’, 1 on ‘Better harvest-through Plant Biotechnology’, 2 on “PDE Scientific Computing & Optimization in Applications’, and 1 on ‘Immune Diseases’; 1 on ‘Antimicrobial Drug Resistance’; 1 on ‘Climate Change’ , 1 on’ Immunology and Health Diseases’; 1 on’ Elucidating Functional Biodiversity in Cattle and Buffalo’.

The Finnish Academy of Science & Letters, Finland
1 Seminar on 'Low Temperature Physics'

The French Academy of Sciences, Paris, France
3 Seminar on ‘Multiple Drug Resistance’, ‘Directions of Science in the 21st Century’, ‘Infectious Diseases’

The German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
3 Seminar:- on ‘Anti Microbial Drug Resistance and the Development of New Antibiotics’; 1 on ’Climate Change in Infectious Diseases’ 1 on ‘Plant

Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS),Budapest, Hungary
8 Seminars :- 1 on ‘Materials Sciences’ 1on ‘Catalysis’ and ‘Molecular Strucutre and Spectroscopy’ 1 on ‘New Innovation of S & T; 1on ‘Liquid Crystals’, 1 on ‘Magnetic Materials’ 1 on ’Biology of Biotic and Abiotic Stress in Higher Plants’. 1 on ’New Innovation in S & T’, In addition the 25th Year of INSA-HAS Scientific Collaboration was celebrated in 2006 at New Delhi.

The Israel Academy of Sciences & Humanities, Israel

2 seminars on `Condensed Matter and Materials Science'

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Tokyo, Japan

1 seminar on `New Materials'

The Korea Science and Engineering Foundation(KOSEF), Seoul, Korea

10 Seminars on ‘High Performance Polymers’ Chemistry of Natural Products’ ‘Liquid Crystals’ ‘Electronic Ceramics’ ‘Organic Synthesis: An interfacial Science’ , ‘Organic Synthesis’, Adsorbent and Adsorption Technologies’ and ‘Geo Sciences and Technology’, ‘Biotechnology Research in the Era of Globalization’, ‘Contemporary Organic Chemistry’

The Polish academy of Sciences (PAS), Warsaw, Poland
‘Celebration of 20 years of Scientific Collaboration in Lymphology ‘ and Celebration of ‘25th Years of Scientific Collaboration in Lymphology ‘ between Indian and Polish scientistsbr

The Russian Academy of Sciences, (RAS), Moscow, Russia

5 Seminars on ‘Aeronomy & Geomagnetism’, ‘Organometallic & Catalytic Chemistry’ Inorganic Chemistry’, and 2 on ‘Organic Chemistry’

The Royal Society(RS), London
India-UK Frontiers of Science Symposium

US National Academy of Sciences (USNAS), USA
‘Population Summit of the World’s Scientific Academies’;Seminars on ’Policy Research and Data Needs to Meet the Challenges and Opportunities of Population Aging in Asia’ and on ‘Facing the Reality of Multi-drug Resistant Tuberculosis: Challenges and Potential Solutions in India’



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