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Jawaharlal Nehru Birth Centenary Medal

The award was established in 1989 by the Academy. The award will be made annually for international cooperation in Science & Technology and for contributions to public understanding of Science. Scientists from all nations are eligible for consideration. The first award was made in 1990. The award carries a bronze medal   and a citation. The travel and local expenses for the journey performed to deliver the award lecture will be paid to the awardee by the Academy.

Procedure for Selection and Other Conditions

President INSA, shall suggest names for consideration by the Council at its meeting in October in the year preceding the year of award. The name selected by the Council shall be announced at the Annual General Meeting of the Academy.

The person selected for the Medal shall deliver a public lecture on a subject of his/her choice during the year of the award under the aegis of INSA Local Chapter. The date and venue of the award lecture shall be decided by the Academy.

The presentation of the award will be made at the time when the recipient delivers the award lecture.

So far 10 Medals have been awarded:

1990    Karl Sune Bergstrom
1993    Sir Michael Atiyah
1996    S Nagakura
1999    F Gros
2000    Bruce Alberts
2001    Hubert Markl
2002    No Award
2003    Hubert Curien
2004    Yuan T Lee
2005    Vladimir G Kadyshevsky
2006    Paul  Crutzen, Germany
2007    Professor David King, FRS


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