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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
C1570 Advances in fracture research : proceedings Valluri, S.R. 1984 Engineering
17911 Advances in gene technology: Human genetic disorders: Proceedings Scott, Walter A.. 1984 Biosci & Paleontology
J25998 Advances in genetics Hall, Jeffery C. ed. 1997 Biosci & Paleontology
12334 Advances in insect physiology Beament, J.W.L. 340. 1967 Zoology
19152 Advances in library and information science Ojha, D.C. ed 1993 Generalia
12056 Advances in marine biology Russel, Fredrick S ed. 1966 Biosci & Paleontology
11983 Advances in mathematics Busemann, Herbert 1965 Mathematics
14046 Advances in microbial physiology Rose, A.H. ed. 1970 Biosci & Paleontology
9149 Advances in molecular spectro & copy Mangini, A. 1952 Physics
9148 Advances in molecular spectroscopy Mangini, A. 1962 Physics
9147 Advances in molecular spectroscopy : Proceedings Mangini, A. 1962 Physics
14211 Advances in plasma physics Simon, Albert ed 1968 Physics
3537 Advances in radiobiology: Proceedings Carl, George. 1957 Biosci & Paleontology
C2525 Advances in rare earths research : proceedings of the second Indo-USSR symposium on rare earth materials held at Trivan Pai, B.C. ed Chemistry
C2638 Advances in space physics Murthy, B. V. Krishna ed. 1998 Astronomy
C2193 Advances in space plasma physics Buti, B. ed 1985 Physics
10855 Advances in space research : Proceedings Tabanera, T.M 1964 Engineering
12562 Advances in theoretical physics Brueckner, Keith A. ed 1965 Physics
9630 Advances in upper atmosphere research : Papers Landmark, 1963 Earth
10686 Advances in Water Pollution research Eckenfelder, W.W. 1964 Engineering
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