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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
10685 Advances in Water Pollution Research : Proceedings South gate, B.A 1964 Engineering
14488 Adventures in earth history Cloud, Preston . 1970 Earth
17826 Advice to a young scientist Medawar, P.B 1979 S&T
18318 Aeolian geomorphology: Proceedings Nickling, William G. 1986 Earth
6803 Aerodynamics of powered flight Carrell, Robert L 1960 Physics
12465 Aerodynamics of V/STOL hight Mecormick, Barnes W 1967 Physics
5342 Aerodynamik Arshanikow, N.S 1959 Physics
C788 Aeronautical meteorology Taylor, George F 1943 Earth
C1378 Aeutrophication of waters :Monitoring assessment and control 1982 Engineering
11535 Africa : Geographical study Mountjoy, AlanB 1965 HistGeoBiography
6055 Africa : Its Peoples and their culture history Murdock, George Peter 1959 HistGeoBiography
18552 African kingdoms Davidson, Basil 1987 Generalia
19895 Afterglow of creations : from the fireballs to the Discovery of cosmic ripples Chown, Marcus. 1996 Astronomy
9100 Agaricales:In modern taxonomy Singer, Rolf 1962 Botany
Agastiyar 2000 1963 Medical Sci
18933 Age of bifurcation: Understanding the changing world Laszlo, Ervin 1991 S&T
18551 Age of enlightenment Gay, Peter 1985 Generalia
18536 Age of exploration Hall, John R 1987 Generalia
18549 Age of faith Fremantle, Anne 1985 Generalia
18555 Age of kings Blitzer, Charles 1987 Generalia
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