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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
15856 Applications of liquid crystals Meier, G 1975 Chemistry
11959 Applications of statistical mechanics Guggenheim, E.A 1966 Physics
5143 Applications of tensor analysis McConnell, A.J 1957 Mathematics
C1677 Applications of the theory of functions in Continuum mechanics 1965 Physics
5749 Applications of the theory of matrices Gantmacher, F.R 1959 Mathematics
727 Applied differential equations Relton, F.E. 1948 Mathematics
398 Applied entomology : Introductory textbook of insects in their relations to man Fernald, H.T 1942 Zoology
2003 Applied group-theoretic and matrix methods Higman, Bryan 1955 Mathematics
5141 Applied hydro-and aeromechanics Tietjens, O.G 1934 Physics
3319 Applied mathematics and mechanics : A series of monographs prepared under the Applied Physical labortory John Hopkin Uni Frenkiel, F.N. Physics
11143 Applied mathematics for engineers and scientists Schelkunoff, S.A 1965 Mathematics
15642 Applied measures for prom oting technological growth Hetzler, Stanley A 1973 Social Science
17545 Applied solar energy Kut, David 1983 Engineering
14201 Applied solid state science : Advances in materials and device research Wolfe, Raymond 1971 Physics
13967 Applied wave mechanics Golding, R.M 1969 Physics
1273 Appraisal of Anthropology today Tax, Sol. 1953 Biosci & Paleontology
C766 Approaches to biological control Yasumatsu, K.. 1975 Biosci & Paleontology
11344 Approaches to paleoecology Imbrie, John. 1964 Biosci & Paleontology
19783 Approaches to sustainable development Auty, Richard Social Science
18543 Appropriate or underdeveloped technology? Emmanuel, Arghiri 1982 Engineering
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