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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
18516 Appropriate technology : Technology with a human face Dunn, P.D 1978 Engineering
C1648 Appropriate technology and development : with special reference to Pakistan Quarashi, M.M 1981 Engineering
5099 Approximate methods of higher analysis Kantorovich, L.V 1958 Mathematics
12970 Approximation methods in quantum mechanics Migdal, A.B 1969 Physics
10026 Approximation of functions Rice, John R 1964 Mathematics
14757 Approximation theory : Proceedings Talbot, A. 1970 Mathematics
15884 Aqueous-Environmental chemistry of metals Rubin, Alan J.. 1974 Biosci & Paleontology
Arab seafaring : In the Indian ocean in ancient and early medieval times Hourani, George Fadlo 1963 Management
10761 Arachnid a Savory, Theodore 1964 Zoology
763 Arachnida Pocock, R.I 1900 Zoology
Archaeological history of south-eastern Rajasthan Banerji, Adris. 1971 Biosci & Paleontology
3591 Archaeology and its problems Delaet, Sigfried J. 1957 Biosci & Paleontology
C1183 Archaeology in Finland before 1920 Nordman, Carl Axel. 1968 Biosci & Paleontology
C1938 Archaeometry of glass : Proceedings Bhardwaj, H.C. 1987 Chem Tech
Archeology of world religions : Buddhism Confucianism taoism Finegan, Jack 1952 Philosophy & Religion
Archeology of world religions : Primitivism Zoroastrianism Hinduism Jainism Finegan, Jack. 1965 Philosophy & Religion
Archeology of world religions : Shinto Islam Sikhism Finegan, Jack 1952 Philosophy & Religion
17530 Arctic and Antarctic : Modern geographical Synthesis Sugden, David 1982 HistGeoBiography
6657 Areca nut atlas 1958 Agriculture
C1261 Arid zone research and development Mann, H.S. . 1980 Earth
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