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Accssn.No Title Author Year Category
18963 Astronomy and astrophysics encyclopedia Maran, Stephen P. ed. 1992 Astronomy
18133 Astronomy and history : Selected essays Neugebauer, O. 1983 Astronomy
15515 Astronomy and space exploration Rickertt, Russell K. 1974 Astronomy
19799 Astronomy for the southern hemisphere Wyatt, Paul. 1996 Astronomy
C2414 Astronomy in India : a perspective Kochhar, Rajesh. 1995 Astronomy
16593 Astronomy now Pasachoff, Jay M. 1978 Astronomy
18766 Astronomy of islamic times for the twenty first Century Ilyas, Mohammad. 1989 Astronomy
18056 Astronomy of leviben gerson(1288-1344) Goldstein, Bernard R. 1985 Astronomy
16978 Astronomy of the ancients Brecher, Kenneth. 1979 Astronomy
10245 Astronomy of the century Struve, Otto. 1962 Astronomy
Astronomy:planets stars and the cosmos Couper, Heather and Henbest Ni 1986 S&T
14067 Astronomy:The royal institution library of science Lovell, Bernard ed. 1970 Astronomy
2010 Astrophysical quantities Wallen, C.W. 1955 Astronomy
1302 Astrophysics : The atoms pheres of the sun and stars Aller, Lawrence H. 1953 Astronomy
11150 Astrophysics and space Science : An integration of sciences Mc Mahon, Allen J. 1956 Astronomy
13232 Astrophysics and stellar astronomy Swihart, Thomas L. 1968 Astronomy
9821 Astrophysics and the many-Body Problem Parker, E.N. 1963 Astronomy
18576 Astrophysics of the Sun Zirin, Harold. 1988 Astronomy
Asvasastram Nakula. 1952 Agriculture
9124 Asymptotic approximations Jeffreys, Harold 1962 Mathematics
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