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Official Language Policy and Achievements
1. Introduction –
The Indian National Science Academy is an all India organization of scientists, which was established on January 7, 1935. The objective of the Academy is to promote science in India and ensure the application of scientific knowledge for the benefit of mankind and the national welfare.
2. Implementation of Official Language Policy –
Full efforts are made to implement the Official Language Policy in the Academy, the details of which are as follows –
1.    Compliance of  Section 3(3) of the Official Language Act 1963 – 
Section 3(3) of the Official Language Act is fully followed in the Academy, under which General Orders, Memorandum, Resolutions, Notifications, Rules, Agreements, Contracts, Tender notices, Parliamentary Questions etc. are issued in bilingual form.
2.    Compliance of Official Language Rules 1976 –

Every effort is made to comply with all the rules framed by the Department of Official Language in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 3(4) and Section 8 of the Official Languages Act, 1963-
(i)      Compliance of Rule 5 –
All letters received in Hindi in the Academy are compulsorily replied in Hindi only. Rule 5 of the Official Language is followed regularly, in this way.
(ii)   Compliance of Rule 8 (4) –
Official Language Rule 8 (4) is fully complied with in the Academy, under which every year the President  of the Academy issues orders to all the staff members having  proficiency in Hindi to execute some specific work in Hindi only and orders are issued to make efforts to get other works done in Hindi.
(iii) Compliance of Rule 10 (4) –
In pursuance of Sub-rule (4) of Rule 10 of the Rules for the use of Official Language for official Purposes through the Central  Government’s Notification No. E- 11012/1/94 – Hindi dated April 29, 1994, 80% of the staff members of the Academy shall acquire working knowledge of Hindi for the purposes of the said rule. For this, it has been notified in the Official Gazzette.
(iv)Compliance of Rule 11 –
All types of Forms, Name Plates, Letter-Heads, Banners, Invitation Cards, Stamps etc. are printed in bilingual form. Therefore, every effort is made to comply with the Official Language Rule 11.
3. Other works and achievements –
Following are the other works and achievements being done by the Academy for the implementation of the Official Language Policy –
a) Quarterly Meetings of Official Language Implementation Committee –
Four quarterly meetings of Official Language Implementation Committee are held during the year and in these meetings, necessary steps are taken to review the implementation of Official Language Policy and implement them strictly.
b) Timely uploading Quarterly Progress Report regarding progressive use of Official Language Hindi in the website of Official Language Department and sending it to the concerned Ministry –
With regard to the progressive use of Official Language Hindi in the Academy, a Quarterly Progress Report is prepared which is uploaded on the website of the Department of Official Language and sent to the concerned Ministry within 15 days after the end of the quarter.
c) Implementation of Hindi Protsahan Yojana –
As per Office Memorandum No. 11/12013/3/8 7 Rabha ( A – 2 ) and No. 11/12013/18/93 Rabha ( Ni- ) issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs (Department of Official Language ) 2) and No. 11/12013/01/2011 Rabha ( Policy / KNU Bureau )  the Annual Incentive Scheme in Hindi for original noting, drafting etc. is implemented regularly in the Academy and according to the recommendations of Hindi Protsahan Yojna Evaluation Committee, officers and employees are rewarded with cash prize during Hindi week/ Hindi Fortnight/ Hindi Month/ Hindi Celebrations.
d) Hindi Day and organization of Hindi Week/ Hindi Fortnight / Hindi Month/ Hindi Celebrations –
Hindi Day is celebrated every year on 14th September in the Academy. During the month of September, Hindi Week / Hindi Fortnight / Hindi Month / Hindi Celebrations are organized under which a lecture by a well-known guest speaker is organized on Hindi Day and an exhibition of Hindi books is inaugurated. Various competitions such as calligraphy, essay, dictation, literal translation, Hindi typing, quiz competitions and Hindi Documentaries and Lectures etc. are held during Hindi week/ Hindi fortnight / Hindi month/ Hindi celebrations . On the last day of the programme , concluding and prize distribution programme is organized in which an honorable guest speaker is invited. After the Lecture of the honorable guest speaker, cash prizes are awarded to the winners of the said competitions, winners of Hindi Promotion Scheme and those who have received training under Hindi Teaching Scheme.
e) Organizing Hindi Workshops –
A Hindi workshop is organized every quarter in the Academy in which an expert guest speaker from the field of Official Language Hindi is invited. Almost all the staff members are nominated in Hindi workshop once in a year. Staff members enthusiastically participate in the workshop and are motivated to do more and more of their work in Hindi.
f) Purchase of Hindi Books –
Academy has a Library. Although the Academy is a scientific institution, Hindi books are also purchased here according to the rules of the Official Language. 50 percent expenditure is done on purchase of Hindi books (CDs , DVDs , documentaries, Hindi translation and e – books ) of the total expenditure on purchase of books during the year which does not include the cost of printing journals etc. Therefore, the Academy follows the Official Language rules in the matter of purchase of Hindi books .
g) Achievement of the goals given in the Annual Programme made by the Department of Official Language –
Every year, all the staff members are made aware of the targets given in the Annual Programme issued by the Department of Official Language in the Academy and to fulfill these goals, Orders are issued to the staff members and staff members are encouraged to achieve these through Official Language Implementation Committee and Hindi Workshop every quarter.
h) Bilingualization of computers –
Hindi Unicode font Mangal has been installed in all the computers of the Academy so that the staff members can easily do their work in Hindi.
i) Bilingualization of Hindi Website –
Academy’s Website is Bilingual (Hindi – English ) It has been prepared in bilingual form and is updated from time to time in bilingual form.
j) Hindi/Bilingual Publications-
The Annual Report of the Academy/INSA Newsletter is published bilingually. Hindi translation of the Academy’s famous English book Indian Science Transfroming Inida has been done. The Hindi name of this book has been kept as Bharat Ko Badalta Bharatiya Vigyan. This is a big achievement for INSA in the field of Official Language Hindi.
k) Representation of the Academy in the meetings of the Town Official Language Implementation Committee (TOLIC)  –
Department of Official Language has constituted the Town Official Language Implementation Committee (TOLIC) near the Academy Office. The Academy is an active member of TOLIC Delhi (Central-I). Its meetings are regularly attended by representatives of the Academy. Contribution has also been given by the Academy from time to time as required. The Academy keeps on sending quarterly and half yearly progress reports of its progressive use of Hindi to the TOLIC office. Along with this, every quarter the minutes of the Official Language Implementation Committee of the Academy are also sent to the office of TOLIC.
l)  Status of Hindi Correspondence
The average of Hindi correspondence of each quarter of the academy remains between 70 – 90 percent, along with this, letters received in Hindi are answered in Hindi only and Efforts are also made to reply to letters received in English in Hindi.
m) Parliamentary Official Language Inspection of the Academy –
So far the Academy has been inspected by the Parliamentary Official Language Committee four times and once there was a discussion programmeme with the Parliamentary Official Language Committee, which was a kind of inspection. The performance of the Academy in all these five inspections was satisfactory.

Indian National Science Academy

Equal opportunity Policy for Persons with Disabilities

The Indian National Science Academy was established in January, 1935. It is a Registered Society under Societies Registration Act, 1860 funded by the Department of  Science and Technology, GoI. The Academy is working with the object of  recognizing excellence at national/ international level, promoting science in India and harnessing scientific knowledge for the cause of  humanity and national welfare. It works through various advisory committee/s, National Committee/ Editorial Boards etc. of  Eminent Scientist (primarily Fellows of  the Academy). The Academy has instituted international awards, medals, prizes lectureships and professorships for eminent scientists in various discipline for which a small secretariat is set up.
INSA follows Govt. of  India instructions for empowerment of persons with disabilities (PwD). It has been the endeavour of the Academy to maintain conducive and harmonious work environment to ensure that the persons with disabilities enjoy the right to equality, life with dignity and respect for his or her integrity equally with others. A Grievance Officer is also  nominated for the purpose of  receiving and disposing of  Grievances.