Indian National Science Academy (INSA), in the year 2001, instituted the INSA-JRD TATA Fellowship in honour of Late Shri Jehangir Ratanji Dadabhoy Tata popularly known as J R D Tata, an Indian aviator, industrialist, entrepreneur, philanthropist and a leading visionary. The fellowship was established from an endowment fund received from Sir Dorabji Tata Trust to foster advanced research training of scientists from the developing world and promote scientific cooperation. The purpose of this fellowship is to extend facilities of the advanced scientific infrastructure and expertise of Indian scientist to scientists and researchers of developing countries. Normally, 20 fellowships are awarded annually. The fellowship covers return air fare from place of work to host institution in India, monthly allowance to cover boarding and lodging including one-time contingency grant. The awardees are allowed to choose a fellowship period mutually convenient to them and the host institute. On successful completion of the program, the awardees are required to submit a brief report to the centre and participate in subsequent feedback requirements on the usefulness of the programme in their home country.
On behalf of Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India, New Delhi, since 2020, INSA is the implementing agency for their flagship programme INDIA SCIENCE AND RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP (ISRF). The programme is fully funded by the Department of Science & Technology. Up to 70 fellowships are awarded annually under this scheme. As India is into partnerships with the neighbouring countries to foster scientific and technological collaboration through capacity building in advanced areas of research and development, this fellowship remains as a platform to establish research cooperation with neighbouring countries which is one of the mandates of DST’s International Science and Technology Cooperation. The fellowship aims to provide opportunity to scientists and researchers from neighbouring countries namely Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand to work in contemporary research areas in all major disciplines of science and technology including engineering and medical sciences at premier research laboratories in India. The fellowship applications are invited only once in a year and selection is through a committee duly constituted by the Academy. The fellowship is for a period of 3-6 months. The fellowship covers return air fare from place of work in their home country to place of work in India, monthly allowance to cover boarding & lodging and one-time contingency grant to the awardee and host scientist.