FellowsForeign FellowsSectional CommitteesLocal Chapters


1. Invitation for Nomination: A circular letter drawing attention of the Fellows of the Academy, to the last date on which nominations for Fellowship should reach the Office of the Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi, shall be issued in June every year.
2. Certification of Nominations: Every nominee shall be proposed and recommended by a certificate in writing signed by two Fellows. Of these, at least one shall certify from personal knowledge of the scientific attainments of the candidates.
The nomination should be made on the nomination Form as prescribed by the Council for the purpose.
The proposer should ensure that the critical information required in the form is complete. The nominee should not send any information directly to the Academy.
The proposer shall send the nomination paper to such other Fellow for his support who, in his opinion, will second the nominee. The nomination paper should be transmitted by one Fellow to another directly. After both the Fellows have affixed their signatures and also given their own remarks on the nominee’s suitability, the nomination paper shall be forwarded to the Executive Director so as to reach not later than July 15. The particulars of the nomination paper shall be recorded with the date of receipt in a book to be kept for the purpose which will be read at the next meeting of the Council.
3.Communication of Nominations: All communications in respect of the nomination shall be carried on with the proposer or the seconder. However for the purpose of updating information regarding the scientific achievements and publications, the Academy may correspond with nominee directly.
4. List of Nominees: At the meeting of the Council at the time of  the Anniversary General Meeting, a list of all persons whose nomination papers are valid in accordance with the provision of Regulation 6, shall be prepared according to the disciplines of the Sectional Committees without any reference to the dates of their nomination. The Council shall consider and send the list of eligible nominees to the concerned Sectional Committees for expression of opinion on the list of nominees referred to them. However, the nomination papers of any person for election on the basis of his work in any discipline not coming within the purview of any of existing Sectional Committees shall be considered by the Council at the time of selecting the persons for Fellowship without necessarily being referred to any Sectional Committee for its recommendations.
5.         Book of Nominations: Not later than January 31, a list of nominees arranged in alphabetical order, together with brief statements of their most significant research achievements along with a list of ten best papers, names of Fellows who have proposed and seconded them and the year in which the nominations were considered for the first time and the year of the birth of each nominee shall be uploaded on the web and the fellowship be informed accordingly.
Fellows may make such observations/comments as they may wish to, on the suitability or otherwise of the candidates included in the Book of Nominations and communicate to the Convener of the concerned Sectional Committee. The Conveners shall write by January 31 to all Fellows whose specializations belong to their Committee requesting them to send in additional information about the scientific attainments of the candidates under consideration for election to Fellowship. The observations/comments received from the Fellows shall be placed before the Sectional Committee.
6.         Validity of Nomination: A nomination shall remain valid for a period of five years unless the proposer or seconder of the nomination withdraws it before July 15 immediately preceding an election.
7.         Selection by Sectional Committees: The Executive Director shall circulate by January 31 to the members of the Sectional Committees the list of the persons proposed for election from the respective Sections, with a statement showing the research work (as given in the nomination papers) of the individual nominee and shall request the members to send their recommendations along with reasons for the same to the Conveners of the respective Sectional Committees at least a fortnight before the meeting of the Sectional Committees.
Guidelines for Sectional Committees
I.          The primary criterion for election to the Fellowship will be the scientific and technological achievements of the nominee (e.g. contributions to new knowledge, discoveries, development of new technologies, substantial improvement in existing technologies, etc.) as evidenced by publications, patents, authenticated scientific reports which could not be published and the economic impact of his/her work.
II.         The work done in India should be given primary importance.  Sectional Committees should not consider the nomination of those scientists who are abroad on a long-term basis.  They should be considered only when they are back in India and have made notable contributions to science in India.
III.        The election should be recommended for the work done in the entire career of the scientist.  The work done in India should be given more importance, and also who have made notable contributions that are relevant to Indian Science. Work done well before the nomination is proposed should also be given due consideration. However, the sectional Committees should not consider the nomination of those scientists who are abroad on a long-term basis.
IV.       The Conveners of the Sectional Committees should make all efforts to obtain reports from Fellowship/experts of the Academy.
V.        The Sectional Committee is charged with the responsibility of studying the work of the nominees by consulting fellows/experts in the area of specialization of the nominee, where necessary.
VI.       All new nominations received within a year will be evaluated by the Conveners of the respective Sectional Committees. The Conveners are permitted to switch a nominee’s Sectional Committee to the alternate committee mentioned in the nomination form, provided this change is made during the first year of the nomination. The proposer will be duly notified about any such modification. However, once this initial consideration has taken place, no further changes will be considered.
The Executive Director shall call two meetings of the Sectional Committees, in February/March and in April/May, on the dates as may be decided by the Council in the calendar of meetings, to consider these recommendations.
Two Meetings of the Sectional Committees
(a) Before the commencement of the sectional committee meeting, the convener should call the attention of the Members to the CoI clause to get the same signed and any action resulting from it. Conflicted member(s) are expected to recuse during discussion and making decisions. This has to be recorded in the minutes/proceedings of the respective Sectional Committee meeting.
(b) There will be two meetings of the Sectional Committees each year; the first one will be held in February/March and the second meeting will be in the month of April/May before the Council meets.
(c) The conveners will look into the composition of their respective Sectional Committee and go through the nominations, if there is a requirement to co-opt any additional member in the sectional committee for one year, conveners will write to President INSA for co-opting the additional member/s among the Indian fellows (including those residing abroad).
(d) At the first meeting, the Sectional Committees will aim to shortlist up to 30% of the total nominations received. In case the Committee feels, there are more deserving candidates than 30%, the number may be increased with proper justifications. The Conveners will make all efforts to procure the opinion of the fellowship about the nominees. The opinions received by the Conveners should be thoroughly discussed at the meeting.
(e) A Matrix for evaluation (e.g. Grade: A – Outstanding, B – Borderline) by the SC through discussion with SC members can be prepared (points 10, 11 & and 12 of the nomination form, and CV to be considered (for shortlisting or rejecting the nomination). Each nominee must receive approval of a majority of the Sectional Committee members (grading should be indicated for all the nominees [e.g. A-Outstanding, B- Borderline]. All efforts should be made to come to a consensus for the selection of each nominee. In the absence of consensus, there should be voting to select suitable nominees. These short-listed names are to be informed to members of the Council also.
The shortlisted nominations [who receive a maximum A will be shortlisted in order of merit/ratings] will be processed for referee evaluations. All the reference letters [minimum five] should have the name and address of the referee. There should be at least three Referees without CoI concerns.
(f) Diversity & Inclusion:
(1) It is highly desirable that two nominees may not be shortlisted from the same institute in the same committee except under exceptional situations giving full justification.
(2) It is highly desirable that the elected fellow represents diversity / two nominees with similar areas of research (e.g., physical chemistry) may not make it to the final shortlist.
(3) While shortlisting the names, age/gender/geographical distribution/research areas may be taken into consideration by the sectional committee members.
(g) The Conveners of the Sectional Committees should obtain referee reports in the area concerned from the Academy Fellows. It is highly desirable to have at least 5 referee letters. However, a minimum of 2 buddy letters and 3 from other experts including International Experts are essentially required. In case, the committee is unable to get a minimum number of referee letters, the Vice-President (Fellowship Affairs) may be empowered to waive off the clause.
(h) Letters to reviewers may be sent out by an SC member and/or convener. To maintain uniformity, a common format for recommendation letters (by the Academy) be shared with the conveners of all sectional committees for obtaining letters from the referees. All letters to and from reviewers should also be copied to the convener. These reports will be forwarded to the VP (Fellowship Affairs) and President along with the reviewer’s affiliation and addresses.
(i) At the second meeting of the Sectional Committees, the opinion of experts (on each nominee) will be placed on the table and will be critically discussed. All the referee letters will be shared by the convener among the committee members with address and affiliations. The Committee will then make a final list of up to 50% of the shortlisted nominations during the first meeting of the Sectional Committee, in order of merit, for the consideration of the Council. For each recommended nominee, the Committee shall also state the basis for its recommendation by highlighting the importance of the scientific contributions of the concerned nominee. Conveners may highlight how effective was the use of recommendation letters in their final selection.
(j) One member of the Council will attend the second meeting of the sectional committees of his/her subject as an ‘observer’ and he/she will not take part in discussions/decisions. The Sectional Committees will prepare a list of recommended nominees in order of merit which will be signed by the convener and also by the observer. This signed scanned list shall be submitted to the Council for its consideration. The Observer will give his/her observations, if any, to the Council. 
Points for consideration by the Conveners to the Council
(a) Reports of the Sectional Committees along with the CoI issues will be forwarded to the Vice-President (Fellowship Affairs) and the President by the Conveners.
(b) In the Council Meeting, following the second meeting of the Sectional Committees, the Conveners will present (preferably by PPTs) details on each of the shortlisted candidates for INSA Fellowship (as per the ratings of the members [A or B]). They will also highlight the major/outstanding scientific contributions of the candidate for which he/she is being recommended for Fellowship, primarily based on the work done in India.
(c) Conveners may present to the Council a comparison table of the recommended nominees giving a snapshot of e.g., areas, number of papers, citations, citation per paper, average impact factor, h-index, and any other information.
As a new initiative, the Academy has recently created two new categories namely (i) Science in Translation and (ii) Science for Society to elect fellows outside the regular Sectional Committees. The main purpose of creating these categories is to recognize not only the leadership in creation of science, but also in some of the most compelling selected cases of utilization of science.
The nomination should be made on the nomination Form as prescribed by the Council for the purpose. The nomination paper shall be forwarded to the Executive Director so as to reach not later than July 15. The particulars of the nomination paper shall be recorded with the date of receipt in a book to be kept for the purpose which will be read at the next meeting of the Council.
The nominations for the election of Fellows under two new categories will be considered by two different Search-cum-Selection Committees duly constituted for this purpose by the Council. Neither Seconder nor nomination form are required to fill in case the proposer is the member of Search-cum-Selection Committees. They may simply forward the CV of the nominee.
New Category (i) – Science in Translation
 The components of this category are as follows:
(a)       Scientific leadership in Science-Based Innovation
(b)       Scientific leadership in Industrial R&D
(c)        Scientific leadership in Technology Missions of National importance
(d)       Scientific leadership in the Management of Scientific Institutions
New Category (ii) – Science for Society
The components of this category are as follows:
(a)    Nominee must have done notable scientific work or applied scientific knowledge to combat societal challenges.
(b)    Notable scientific advances as applicable that have now major societal impact will be considered.
(c)     Preference should be given to the nominee who has either generated or used at-scale scientific solutions to address major problems of different sectors that impact everyday life. Examples: Energy, Water, Health, Transport, Agriculture, Environment, Climate Change, Sustainability etc.
(d)    Preference should be given where actions have been implemented with significant impact in addressing societal needs.
(e)    Significant and impactful contributions in popularizing science, history and philosophy of science and associated sciences like archaeology, forensic and others as related to society.
The Chair/s of Search-cum-Selection Committees will also be invited in the Conveners Meeting so that any shifting of the new nominations from new category to regular sectional committees (I to X) can be done at early stages in the same year.
Search-cum-Selection Committees may recommend up to ten names in each category separately for the consideration of the Council.
8. Selection by the Council: At the meeting of the Council to be held normally after the second meeting of the Sectional Committees the Council will consider recommendations made by each Sectional Committee and Search-cum-Selection Committees (for the election of Fellows in the new category-(i) and (ii)) and shall then select a number not exceeding hundred (up to 80 from ten sectional committees and up to 20 Fellows from the two new categories: (i) and (ii) – 10 in each category) to be recommended to the Fellows of the Academy for election.
The opinion of experts and any other material placed on the table in the second meeting will be made available to the Council at its Meeting.
9. Selection from Sections: It shall not be obligatory for the Council to recommend a certain fixed number of persons for elections to Fellowship from each of the 10 Sections. The Council shall be free to recommend a larger number for any Section if there are more deserving persons in that Section and also not to recommend for any Section if, in the opinion of the Council, none is fit for election.
10. Communication of the Selected Names to Fellows: Soon after selection by the Council, an electronic circular-letter shall be sent to every Fellow as an e-voting paper enclosing a list of the selected persons.
11. Date of Election: The election of Fellows not included in the class referred to in Regulation 7 shall take place at the Statutory Meeting of the Council prior to the Annual General Meeting.
12. Election Procedure: Each Fellow then may tick the names of those (s) he wishes to be elected.
13. Declaration of Election Results:Vice-President (Fellowship Affairs) shall report to the President/ Chairperson the number of votes received by each candidate. The President/ Chairperson shall at the meeting of the Council to be held just before the Annual General Meeting announce the names of the candidates who have secured the votes of two third of the fellows voting and shall declare them as duly elected. The result of election shall be notified on the web. This election, however, shall be effective from January 1 of the following year.
14. Re-nomination: On the expiry of the validity of the nomination, a re-nomination can be made afresh only after a gap of one year. The fresh nomination shall be submitted as prescribed in Regulation 2.
15. Nomination for Special Election: In accordance with Rule 6 (e), the Council may recommend names for election as Fellow/s otherwise than that provided under paras 1 to 14 of these Regulations. The persons so recommended shall be selected by the Council by ballot provided always that no person shall be so recommended unless he obtains two-thirds of the votes of the Members of the Council present and that the total number of votes registered in his favour are not less than seven.
16. Special Election: At the Ordinary General Meeting of the Academy, immediately following the Meeting of the Council at which the selection of persons to be elected under Regulation 15 is made, the person(s) nominated shall be proposed for election by means of a certificate prepared by the Vice- President (Fellowship Affairs). This certificate shall explicitly specify the basis of nomination for special election. Such certificate shall remain with the Academy until the day on which a ballot is taken on it. The name of the person so proposed shall be sent in the form of e-ballot to each fellow for voting by a date given on the e-ballot. The result of the ballot shall be ascertained at the next meeting of the Council after the close of the ballot, following the procedure of Regulations 12 to 13.
17. Subscription: An admission fee of Rs 500/- and one time Fellowship subscription of Rs 2000/- shall be due on election. Not applicable to Fellows elected under New Categories.
18. Participation in General Body Meetings: For participation in the General Body Meetings, no international travel expenses will be covered by the Academy. This will apply to Fellows, Foreign Fellows and Pravasi Fellows.

Foreign Fellows

1. A letter drawing attention of the Fellows of the Academy, to the last date on which nominations for Foreign Fellowship should reach the office of the Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi, shall be issued by the Academy. Every nominee shall be proposed in prescribed form by a Fellow of the Academy. The nomination paper shall specify the name, date of birth, nationality, field of specialization, profession, rank and present address, and shall include a brief statement of the most significant achievements of the nominee, information regarding his/her membership of the academies in the home country and his/ her interest in scientific activities in India. The Proposer shall also specify how the nominee’s election would help the Academy in the furtherance of its aims and objects.
The nomination paper, complete in all respects, shall be forwarded by a Fellow of the Academy to the Executive Director so as to reach not later than July 15. The particulars of the nomination paper when received along with all documents at the office of the Executive Director shall be recorded with the date of receipt in a book to be kept for the purpose, which will be read at the next meeting of the Council. The nomination shall be valid for three years only.
2. Guidelines for Selection
(a) The nominee should be a foreign citizen.
(b) The nominee should be an internationally recognized leader in his own field.
(c)  He or she should be a Fellow/Member of the National Academy of  own country. Alternatively  he or she should be a Foreign Fellow/Associate of a foreign academy. Further, Council would consider those nominees who are awardees of Nobel Prize, Fields Medal or any other International award of equally eminent standing.
(d) The nominee should have close connection with Indian scientists and should be aware of the progress of Indian science, its accomplishments and aspirations. The past, present and future advantages and gains to the Academy and to the scientists of India by the election of a Foreign Fellow may also be kept in view
(e) Academy will constitute a Search-cum-Selection Committee consisting of the following:
(i)      President, INSA
2&3) Two Past-Presidents
4&5)  Two Fellows, and
6)      Vice-President (Fellowship Affairs)
7)      Vice-President (International Affairs) who will act as the Member-Secretary of this Committee.
All efforts should be made by the Selection Committee to increase the number of Foreign Fellows of the Academy elected each year without compromising/diluting the principles underlying the present selection process.
(f)  The Vice-President (International Affairs) and Member-Secretary of the Selection Committee will write a letter to all the fellows every year inviting nominations from them. He will also contact the members of the Sectional Committees for suitable nominations. It will be helpful for the Vice President to be in touch with the Conveners of the Sectional Committees so that they act in good time and in the manner envisaged.
(g) The meeting of the Selection Committee will be held sometime during April/May to select suitable names among the nominations so received. The names selected for Foreign Fellowship by the Selection Committee will be reported to the Council in the month of June/July.
3.   Soon after the selection by the Council, an electronic circular letter shall be sent to every Fellow as an e-voting paper enclosing a list of the selected persons. Each Fellow then may tick the names of those s(he) wishes to be elected
      The selection of candidates to be so nominated for Fellowship up to the permissible number under Rule 14 shall be recommended to the Fellows of the Academy for election.
      It shall be the aim of the Council to see that the recommendations are distributed evenly, as far as possible, in different branches of Science.
4.   Vice-President (Fellowship Affairs) shall report to the President/ Chairperson the number of votes received by each candidate. The President/ Chairperson shall at the meeting of the Council to be held just before the Annual General Meeting announce the names of the candidates who have secured the votes of two third of the fellows voting and shall declare them as duly elected. The result of election shall be notified on the web. This election, however, shall be effective from January 1 of the following year.

Sectional Committees

1.The Council shall appoint, from among the Fellows of the Academy, Committees representing the various branches of Natural Knowledge, called ‘Sectional Committees’.
The members of each Committee shall be chosen with a view to secure, as far as possible, a representation of the several sub-divisions of each branch of Natural Knowledge, and to obtain the assistance of Fellows who are specially qualified to advise the Council regarding particular parts of Natural Knowledge.
2.Each Sectional Committee shall advise the Council or any of the Officers on the matters referred to it by the Council or by any of the Officers and also shall make to the Council suggestions pertaining to the branch or branches of knowledge which it represents. It shall, inter-alia, (a) recommend in order of priority, the names of the nominees who in the opinion of the Sectional Committee, are worthy of election to the Fellowship, (b) recommend in order of priority, the names of those who in the opinion of the Sectional Committee, are worthy for the INSA Distinguished Lectures, (c) recommend in order of priority, the names of those who in the opinion of the Sectional Committee, are worthy for the INSA Young Associates / INSA Associate Fellows, (d) advise in connection with communications received from Government on scientific matters of high policy, (e) advise on subjects to be discussed at the Annual General Meeting so that the Academy can play its part in national development and planning, (f) draw up lists of persons suitable for scrutinizing papers submitted for publication indicating the branches which they are competent to deal with, (g) recommend books and journals which should be added to the Academy’s library, (h) suggest original research problems of both fundamental and applied nature, on which work should be initiated in the national interest.
The Council shall each year appoint a Member of each Committee to serve as Convener of the Committee and to be the channel of communication between the Committee and the Council or the Officers.The Convener shall be for a one-year term only but can stay as a member for three years. The past, present and the convener-elect will remain a part of the selection committee, along with 5 subject experts. In case the Convener is retiring, he/she will be included as a Special Invitee for that year. Depending on the number of nominations and academic diversity, an additional 1-2 members can be co-opted by the Convener. Further, one foreign INSA fellow may also be invited as a member of the Sectional Committee.
3.Sectional Committees: The Sectional Committees shall be ten in number and referred to by their number and not by name. The allocations of subjects to each Committee, which are only indicative but not exhaustive, shall be as follows:
Mathematical Sciences: Applied Mathematics, Pure Mathematics, Theoretical Computer Science, Statistics and Operations Research.
Physics: Astronomy, Astrophysics, Nuclear and High Energy Physics, Atomic, Molecular Optical Physics, Statistical Physics, Theoretical Physics, Mathematical and Computational Physics, Condensed Matter including Soft, Liquids and Nano Materials, Cosmic Radiation, Cosmology, Space Physics, Basic Planetary Sciences, Lasers and Optoelectronics, Plasma Physics, Solar Physics, Atmospheric Physics.
Chemistry: Analytical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Structural Chemistry, Chemistry of Materials, Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Bio-organic, Bio-inorganic and Biophysical Chemistry.
Earth & Environmental Sciences: Surface and Solid Earth Science, Applied Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Climate Sciences, Meteorology, Geo-Engineering, Ocean Sciences, Geo Sciences, and Applied Planetary Sciences.
Engineering & Technology: Electrical Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, Electronics and Optoelectronics, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering including Software and Data science, Information Science and Technology, Advanced Materials (such as Bio-materials, Hybrid Materials and Nano Materials), Polymer Science & Engineering.
General Biology: Taxonomy, Structure, Ecology, Environmental Biology, Evolution and Behaviour of Plants, Animals and Microbes including Unicellular Eukaryotes.
Molecular and Cellular Biology: Cell Biology, Physiology, Development, Genetics, Genomics, and other Omics of Plants, Animals, and Microbes including Unicellular Eukaryotes.
Biomolecular, Structural Biology and Drug Discovery: Biochemistry, Biophysics, Molecular Biology, Pharmacology, Structural Biology, Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, System Biology.
Health Sciences: Basic and Clinical Medical Sciences- Communicable and Non-communicable Diseases, Epidemiology, Anthropology, Psychology, Cognitive and Neurosciences, Medical Genetics and Genomics, Public Health, Nutrition, Immunology.
Agricultural Sciences: Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Fisheries, Food Science, Veterinary Science, Pathogen Biology and Host-Pathogen Interaction Both Plant and Veterinary Importance.
4.Each Sectional Committee shall comprise nine Members; five Members shall constitute a quorum.
5.Members shall be retired by seniority, at the rate of one-third every year. Where necessary, retirement shall be determined by ballot. If a Sectional Committee Member is not able to attend the meetings of the Sectional Committee in a particular year, the President is authorized to appoint a suitable substitute in his/her place for that year. If any Sectional Committee Member does not attend two consecutive meetings without valid reasons, the Council may appoint a new member in his/her place for the remaining period.
6. Retiring Members of the Sectional Committee shall each year vacate office on December 31.
7. In order to promote diversity, inclusivity, and fresh perspectives, the following policy shall be adopted:
i) After completing one term of three years, there shall be a cooling period of 3 years before the same member can be considered for a second term.
(ii) Only two terms are permissible for a member in their lifetime either in the same or any other Sectional Committee regardless of when the previous term was served.
 iii) Not more than one member should be appointed from the same department/institute. This policy shall also apply to Co-opted members and Fellows who have been appointed by the Council to fill up interim vacancies.
8.         If an interim vacancy arises, the Council will select a Fellow to fill the position. The term of the appointed Fellow will follow the rules that would have applied to the original member. However, if, by the end of the term, the Fellow has served for less than one year, he/she can be reappointed immediately.
9.         The appointment of the Fellows to serve as new Members of the Committee shall be made by the Council in August/September and the Member so appointed, shall enter the office on the forthcoming January 1.

Local Chapters


1. Local Chapters are established for regions at places where five or more Fellows of the Academy reside. In exceptional cases, if the number is less but the Local Fellows desire a Local Chapter, their request may be examined by the President, for decision.
2. All Fellows of the Academy shall be affiliated to one of the Local Chapters.
3. The Local Chapters should give their views on various matters affecting the scientific policy in the country. These should include suggestions like social impact of science, planning in science and technology and liaison with Local Academies and learned bodies to bring fruitful participation between these bodies and the Indian National Science Academy. The Chapters should comment on special problem of local interest which could be analysed scientifically. For this purpose, special committees with appropriate experts be formed within the Chapter. Some Fellows, particularly those with many years of experience in science management, can be requested to make themselves responsible for compiling reports on such issues. The reports should be sent to the Academy so that the Academy may prepare a consolidated version of the various reports for consideration by the Council. The Council should then publicise its views and thereby make itself felt as an important organ of the society.
4. Local Chapters should encourage young scientists to participate in scientific activities.
5. All Local Chapters should make efforts to strengthen scientific activities. They should organize at least two scientific programmes in a year dealing mainly with the advancement of science and the popularization of  science. All Fellows attached to a Local Chapter should make efforts to attend meetings of the Chapter which may be held at the Headquarters or elsewhere at which among other things, nominations could also be made for the various endowment lectures of the Academy.
6. (a) Return I Class/II AC rail fare will be admissible to all outstation Fellows attending the meetings of Local Chapters.
(b) For local Fellows the expenditure incurred on transportation, including taxi fare, will be reimbursed.
7. In every meeting of the Local Chapter, a Chairman should be elected.
8. Every Local Chapter should suggest the name of a Fellow for appointment as Convener of that Local Chapter by the Council. The term of the Convener will be three years.
The Conveners of Local Chapters should be requested to call their first meeting in April to draw as detailed a programmer as possible giving the dates of various activities proposed which could be circulated to the Fellowship and also published in the INSA News.