Women Scientist Space

INSA ‘Women in Science’ Panel Activities

Women and other minorities continue to be under-represented in academia. Over the last several years, certain committees have been set up and reports have been published. These contain data, analysis and recommendations. Several Panels, such as Women in Science’ Indian Academy of Sciences and Inter Academy Panel ( https://wistemm.in/ ) on Women in Science exist in Indian Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine (STEMM) areas, which are already working towards closing the gender gap. Active associations such as Indian Women Scientists Association IWSA work towards women empowerment.The current INSA Panel of ‘Women in Science’ consists of the following members.

Shubhra Chakraborty, (Chairperson) (Email: schakraborty@nipgr.ac.in)
Srubabati Goswami
Sudeshna Sinha
Vidita Vaidya
Shally Awasthi
Manisha Inamdar
VM Tiwari
Sujatha Ramdorai
M Lakshmikantam

This INSA Panel plans to undertake certain initiatives to be implemented shortly. One of these is to display data on gender representation amongst INSA fellows. This will be updated every year, which should help in the realization of the rate of change of the gender gap within INSA over the years. We hope and expect that all Academic Organizations would set up such web-pages, which is a first step towards solid gender data for India.
Some information towards achievers and articles of interest related to ‘Women in Science’; opportunities, and experiences of various women in science are presented. A session on ‘Towards Gender Equality in Science’ will be organized by the INSA Women in Science Panel for the December 2020 Annual meeting of INSA.

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