
To work towards developing a vibrant, globally competitive Indian scientific community, engaged with and accountable to the society.

To create and nurture new schools of scientific activity through wider consultations and develop a collaborative, interactive and inclusive ecosystem.

To identify and support science which impacts our social goals as a country and to create synergies in science from different fields.

To create fora in which the scientific community can provide useful and regular input to policy makers on issues of societal relevance that involve science and technology.

To develop a seamless intellectual infrastructure to facilitate meaningful interaction between scientists, science, public administrators, and science practitioners to foster a better understanding of each other’s needs and requirements and to inform policies based on sound scientific inputs.

To provide moral and practical leadership to the academic fraternity, at the highest level, taking the responsibility not just for the formulation of long term visions for Indian science but for their detailed implementation.
To work closely with the broader scientific community to realize these and monitoring progress towards clearly defined common goals.

To explain science, scientific developments to the general public to enhance social engagement with science and its practice.

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